Dear GNA-G Community:
As we heard from Joe Mambretti at the Tallinn GNA-G meeting, and as can
be read in the draft notes from the Tallinn meeting, the GRP meeting
will take place in San Diego, CA, USA on 17 & 18 September 2019.
On the day after, there is an opportunity for GNA-G Working Groups to
meet, at the same venue. Through this message, we'd like to hear from
the community, and especially the (co-)chairs of GNA-G Working Groups,
if they are planning to have a working group meeting on the day after
the GRP Workshop.
Please reply to the GNA-G Co-chairs not later than on 15 August 2019, so
we can inform and work with the local organizers.
Thank you and kind regards,
David, Dale and Erik-Jan,
GNA-G Co-chairs.