Dear GNA-G Community member, 

After evaluating the nominees, processing the feedback received, and considering the full composition of the GNA-G Leadership Team (LT) the GNA-G Nominations Committee (NomCom) announces herewith the new LT member: 

The leadership of the GNA-G is now back at full strength with the members continuing to serve the LT: 

We want to thank the nominees, all highly qualified and strong members of the GNA-G community, for stepping up as a candidate for the LT. Your enthusiasm is important, and it makes the GNA-G exciting. We also want to thank the people that gave their feedback. Only with your input we were able to run this process successfully. 

We want to congratulate Alex with his position in the LT. Together with Marco, Ivana, Buseung, Harvey and David, we wish you good luck in this essential role. 

Finally, we express our gratitude to Erik-Jan Bos, who has been one of the big drivers behind the GNA-G for many years. Without him as a chair of the LT, this community wouldn’t be as successful as it is today.  

On behalf of the NomCom

Best wishes,

Alexander van den Hil