Hi all,
The next pair of GNA-G Community VCs will take place a month from now:
VC #1: Monday, 15 March 2021, 3pm – 5pm UTC
Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America, Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
VC #2: Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 8am – 10am UTC
Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
The proposed agenda for the calls is:
For these Community VCs, we are delighted to announce an open
Call for Proposals.
Updates from the community:
If you have an update which you’d like to present under item 2: “updates from the community”, we’d love to hear from you. Past topics have included progress reports on national and international network projects;
a telemetry discussion; proposal for new working groups around automation and security.
We have 3-4 ten minutes slots available.
Innovation corner:
This is a new agenda item we’re trying for the first time at these Community VCs. This is a slot for someone to present a technological development or innovation which you think would be of interest to the
community. Some examples:
> the latest developments in DWDM
> an innovative network or systems architecture development
> future internet architecture developments
> a new network application such as frequency and timing or quantum
> a project or product or service which you’ve been working on which you believe others might be interested in hearing about or collaborating on
> we’re also open to vendor presentations – although no marketing!
Depending on submissions, we have 1-2 slots of 15-20 minutes available.
To make a submission, please email your idea to
leadershipteam@lists.gna-g.net before 12.00pm (midday) UTC on Monday 1 March 2021.
Include the following information:
No idea is too small or too silly! These VCs are “by the community, for the community” – if you have an idea which you think is interesting, there will certainly be others who’d like to hear about it. We’d
love to receive submissions from organisations or regions who we don’t usually hear from, and especially from first-time presenters. The leadership group would be happy to assist you with preparing your presentation, or help you in any way.
David Wilde (on behalf of the GNA-G Leadership Team)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde@aarnet.edu.au