17 okt. 2019 kl. 20:33 skrev Lars Fischer
All, very brief notes from my presentation at the E3D stakeholder meeting. Slides
Presentation went well; E3D people understood the suggested change from routed network to
point to point, with all traffic going through a data centre. I believe this was generally
accepted as a better way.
Led to good discussion of picking a data centre, and the important of doing so early.
Craig asked relevant questions on what happens if they have to move from DC A to DC B
Craig seem not uninterested in using a data centre on-ring and close to Tromsø that is
becoming available
Craig appear to be slowing moving away from 90’s style thinking about computing and
network. The NeIC project has been good in this respect.
Craig is also considering keeping all data in Skibotn for the first couple of years. We
might like to think about a grow-as-you-go plan (i.e, from 100G from site to TB from
sites, and Several participants were very interested in the TB/s options and how that
changes long-term computing options.
I suggested that we stop thinking about the network as a separate thing, but rather
consider it an integral component in the computing - instrument, site network, site
computing, WAN, DC network, DC computing, storage. The WAN can go anywhere in that
picture, really.
None of this was conclusive. It was a conversation starter. My immediate guess is that
they will go for 2x100G per site now, moving to much more capacity in the future.
Possibly, this will be linked with a model where they do all computing at Skibotn now, and
move to a DC in 2-3 years.
Lars Fischer - Strategy & Policy, NORDUnet
lars(a)nordu.net, +45 2288 1729, @lpfischer
<EISCAT-3D network, E3D stakeholder meeting, October 2019.pdf>
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