Hi everyone,
Hello Folks,We discussed this in Copenhagen. Some of you might have stories to sharebest wishesOmo---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jane Gifford <Jane.Gifford@aarnet.edu.au>
Date: 10 October 2016 at 12:35
Subject: [Itf-workinggroup-l] Call for In The Field submissions
To: "global_pr@listas.redclara.net" <global_pr@listas.redclara.net >, "itf-workinggroup-l@lists.aarn et.edu.au " <itf-workinggroup-l@lists.aarnet.edu.au >, "sig-marcomms@lists.geant.org" <sig-marcomms@lists.geant.org>
Hi All,
Call for submissions!
Just a reminder to please continue to send in your stories for publishing on the In the Field site! The site is proving to be a great way to publicise the projects and people our networks support.
Seeking stories about education initiatives
The newsletter subscriber list continues to grow and the next newsletter will be distributed around 27 October. Subscribe to the newsletter
The theme for the next newsletter is global education/transnational education so if you have any suitable stories/case studies please submit via the submission form.
If you have any questions about this process or need help, please let me know – Arne, Helga and I are happy to help you with your stories.
Latest posts
Here are some of the latest posts to share with your communities:
Keeping medical data in Japan’s university hospitals safe in case of disaster
Making sure the voices of genocide survivors are heard and not forgotten
Working together instead of in isolation to train engineers in Africa
Creating and atlas of the black-eyed bean genome
The digital recycling centre is slowly going global
Indian researchers fighting drug resistant epilepsy
Best regards,
Jane Gifford
Manager, Media & CommunicationsAARNet Pty Ltd
t. 02 9779 6960m. 0458 700 213
e. Jane.Gifford@aarnet.edu.auw. www.aarnet.edu.au <http://w
ww.aarnet.edu.au/ >twitter: @AARNet
facebook: facebook.com/aarnetN
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Itf-workinggroup-l mailing list
https://lists.aarnet.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/itf-workinggrou p-l --