Hello Everyone,
We have a video ready and uploaded to the TNC conference software.
In the working group meetings we have mentioned having some questions lined up to get the ball rolling for the Q&A. If you have any in mind then letting us know before end of day will give us chance to have a look over them. The video is about 13 min so we do have time to answer some questions.
Also if there is something that you would like to highlight with a question, I would suggest getting it in the chat earlier so we see it. Ryan and I are going to have to manage the chat ourselves, I believe, so I would like to make sure we see them.
I hope you enjoy on Monday!
Best Regards,
Dan Sellars | Manager, Software Development | CANARIE
Dear All,
I would like to send my apologies in advance of today's call which I cannot make as I have been called for my first COVID-19 vaccine jab at the same time.
Best regards,
Tom Fryer
Head of International Relations
e-mail: Tom.Fryer(a)geant.org<mailto:Tom.Fryer@geant.org>
Mobile: +34 638 175060
Networks Services People
Lean more at www.geant.org<http://www.geant.org/>
GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging. Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands. UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK.
Dear WG,
After an introduction from CANARIE, we have tested out the sandbox at NORDUnet. We have done (early, alpha) code to extract network data from our network inventory database and export in GRENML format. It’s not fully automatic yet, but 95% there + a bit of handholding. Having the sandbox to create local displays to check the export is a big help in this process.
We have rounded most GPS coordinates to 4 digits. In addition, we have some “secret” sites, so those a placed at an arbitrary “center” point of a city.
We’re internally quite impressed; there’s clear potential in aggregating this process over the networks in our region. Once past the TNC demo, I will approach the Nordic NRENs to see if we can do a similar exercise.

Lars Fischer - Strategy & Policy, NORDUnet
lars(a)nordu.net, +45 2288 1729, @lpfischer
TIME CHANGE NOTE: Sorry for the last-minute schedule change, bumping this by 30 mins. There is a TNC prep session conflict. If you can only stay the first 30 minutes of this meeting, please do; anyone that can stay a bit later is invited and encouraged to.
TNC is in six days. Let’s work through a draft of our demo presentation and review the status of our v1.0 release!
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