Hello GREN Mappers,
As you may know, we are preparing to release the first public version of the GREN Map system software this year. At our last meeting, we discussed a draft list of tasks remaining before we are ready to do so. The list can be found on the Working Group’s wiki:
We are looking for members to participate in two ways:
1. Review the task list. Please let me know if you feel there are any items missing to get ready for “version one point zero” release, or if you have any other feedback about the list. (Note that of course we intend for development to continue after v1.0 is released. There is a long wish list of features still in the backlog, and surely more will be proposed once this is out in the wild. For the moment, we want to identify what is required as a bare minimum for the system to function usefully and securely enough to start assembling real data and publishing some basic maps.)
2. Sign up to oversee tasks. We are looking specifically for names attached to the “Managed By” field for each task, not the “Assigned To” fields for the subtasks. What this means is that accepting these responsibilities would not necessarily imply doing any of the actual work (although we would welcome that too!), but rather to plan the implementation, recruit people to do the work, supervise the task, ensure it gets done, and briefly report on progress when appropriate. The task list page may look long, but don’t be fooled, the tasks are mostly each quite small; many likely involve only a handful of hours!
Please reach out to me if you have any feedback or questions, or if you’d like to go ahead and sign up to manage a task! Our imminent meeting is also another great time to bring anything up.
Ideally, we request your responses by February 1.
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