Dear Ryan
As promised, I am writing on the particular item of submarine cable
systems, which are widely used for international communications, and
require some assistance in visualisation so as to create trajectories
which do not (usually) cross land/sea frontiers.
One way of handling these artefacts would be to have another class of
objects corresponding to cable routes, similar to Links, but at a
different level. It is apparently well-known that the Telegeography
mapping database holds mapping information by cable route, and this
information may be made available to third parties in the form of KML
files, which seem to differ from year to year in accordance with
Telegeography's aesthetics.
(For instance, see: , and )
It seems to me that the GREN data base could include a "cables" section,
derived from the Telegeography (or alternative) mapping data for
submarine cables, and that suitable links could be maintained to this
cable information for visualisation and other purposes.
I presented this proposal at the recent meeting in Denmark, and would
like to make it better known in this group.
Best wishes, Michael
On 05/11/18 07:09, Lars Fischer wrote:
The point on subsea cable systems (L-6) is could be
moved to L-10, as
it’s really just another way of doing waypoints.