Hi Michael.  Regrettably, it seems that the problem was not limited to you.  I have re-sent the invitation.  Please confirm that you receive it this time.


To the group, I suggest an intermediate make-up meeting this coming Tuesday, at which we can discuss any questions or feedback about the implementation architecture proposal I sent recently.  Let me know if that interests any of you.







From: Gren-mapping-wg <gren-mapping-wg-bounces@lists.nordu.net> on behalf of Michael Anthony Stanton <michael.stanton@rnp.br>
Reply-To: "michael@rnp.br" <michael@rnp.br>
Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 1:30 PM
To: "gren-mapping-wg@lists.nordu.net" <gren-mapping-wg@lists.nordu.net>
Subject: Re: [Gren-mapping-wg] GREN Map Architecture Proposal For Review


Hi Ryan


For several private reasons (change of email software at RNP) I did not receive the most recent meeting convocation, which is unfortunate (for me, at least). Could you please resend the invitation and correct Zoom address at least a week before the next meeting?


Was a meeting in fact held this week? Who turned up?


Cheers, Michael


On 15-Oct-19 8:40, Ryan Davies wrote:

I’m getting reports that the recurring meeting invitation (starting today) has not been received.  Did anyone successfully receive it?


For anyone who didn’t, the meeting is https://canarie.zoom.us/j/580615252





On Oct 14, 2019, at 10:03, Ryan Davies <Ryan.Davies@canarie.ca> wrote:

Greetings GREN Mappers,


Attached is a slide deck initially presented at the last meeting, slightly revised based on feedback gathered then and since.  It contains a proposal for the architecture of a solution that we believe meets the needs of the project, as identified by this group over the last year or so.


Please review it and let this group know if you have any thoughts.  Ideally, if there is wide acceptance of the proposal, we’d like to consider it approved by the October 29 meeting.  If intermediate feedback is supportive, we’ll continue to flesh out the proposal before then with more supporting documentation, such as a mapping table of how it meets the requirements, sample work packages, and more.  We’ll also incorporate feedback gathered along the way.


Meanwhile, I look forward to meeting tomorrow.  If there is appetite to do so, we can run through the proposal again for anyone who missed it last time.





<GREN Map - High-Level Design Proposal.pptx>

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