Dear members of the GREN Map Working Group,


As you are probably aware, software development on our GREN Map infrastructure is ongoing.  We are aiming to produce a preliminary working system in mid-2021.  As discussed at a previous meeting, we are soliciting WG members’ feedback to determine what features are required in order to consider this preliminary system full-featured enough for release.


We hope this will only take a few moments.  Please see the online spreadsheet linked here; you should be able to edit it in your browser.  Find the instructions for filling it out below, and in the first tab of the spreadsheet.  Note that changes should be done through a browser, and are applied live.


Note that we encourage only one member per REN represented in the working group to fill out the sheet.  For those of you with multiple representatives, please collaborate on your submissions as you see fit.


The online version of this sheet will be editable until October 27.  Please endeavour to complete it by then, or request an extension.  We will collate the results for our next working group meeting.






The aim of this spreadsheet is to collect a list of features that need to be prioritised for the next phase of GREN map development.  The results will be used as a guide to help plan the work for upcoming milestones.  Initially we will use this spreadsheet to poll the GREN Mapping Working Group members regarding which new features should be included to constitute a version 1.0.0 that is deployable and can be demonstrated mid-2021.


Current project status


The GREN map is currently (as of Oct. 2020) at a sandbox milestone. The sandbox is intended to be an evaluation and feedback tool only. It will allow a user to install the system locally and enter their own data to see how it shows up on the map. The federated distribution system is only partially in place and there is no consolidation of data.


Instructions for use


We would like to receive one review from all organisations represented in the working group.  As some organisations have multiple members, please coordinate with your colleagues to review the features and enter your consensus rating for each.


Please view the "Review Sheet" tab and consider each suggested feature.  If you think we have missed a feature, please feel free to add to the bottom of the list for consideration.


Please feel free to use the "New Comment" feature in Excel (under the Review tab or right click on a cell) to add any opinions or questions regarding a feature.


To rank the features please read the feature description, find the column corresponding to your organisation and rate each feature using the following scale:


   3 — This must be done for a workable version 1.0.0 milestone 

   2 — This would be nice for a future milestone / should be done at some point.

   1 — No opinion

   0 — The GREN Map should NOT do this

The results will be averaged across all reviewers. If a value of 0 is selected, it will be highlighted in red to bring it to attention of the Working Group as a whole.  We will then discuss the features within the working group meetings. 


Thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing your ratings!



