
On 1 Nov 2018, at 08:41, Ryan Davies <> wrote:

Greetings GREN Mappers,

As discussed at the last meeting, we are holding a final call to review the draft list of user stories we have compiled. This list defines the scope of the goals of this group, as summarized in our charter, from a high level, and will inform the data schema and reference visualisation implementation(s) we develop.

Following this meeting, we will incorporate feedback once more, and produce version 1.0 from the current draft. The document will still be subject to change as the project unfolds, but we'd like to achieve consensus internally up to this point prior to submitting the document for external review. We'd also like to begin work on the schema, and having stability in the requirements is helpful.

Optionally, if you have any suggestions to submit in writing, please do so by e-mailing either the whole group (using the mailing list) or just the chairs (me and Tom Fryer) by the end of Friday.

The current draft can be found on our wiki:


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