Greetings GREN Mappers,


At our upcoming meeting, we can look forward to seeing a demo of the current state of the GREN Map software stack in the development stage.  Thanks to Dan for assembling this demo, which consists of a handful of database nodes spun up on two of CANARIE’s cloud clusters, and their visualisation instances, plus some data from just a few participating networks at three levels in the data hierarchy.  Dan will run through a quick tour of the software and how he’s got them set up, then we will welcome questions.


The demo should help us focus our efforts in the lead-up to our first public release.  Though we have previously generally converged on the recommendations made recently by the development team, this might help illuminate some of the details and inspire further thoughts.


This is a great segue to the other major topic as we push towards an initial public release: the list of non-development tasks we feel are required to support the software in order to make this a viable product for the world to begin using.  There are still many items without names attached to them.  The GREN Map project wiki has been down for a while; it will hopefully be back up soon.  In the mean time, in the meeting, we will review a local copy I have of the list, in hopes that we will continue to welcome more small contributions from the group.  (Many tasks involve only a small time commitment.)


Thus comprises the agenda for the meeting:

  1. Demo
    1. Guided Tour
    2. Questions
  2. Release Task List Review
  3. Other Business
  4. Next Meeting



