Hi GREN Mapping Initiative folks,


We have had about two weeks to review the user stories document, and have made many changes to it, some of them obvious and some subtle.  Attached, find the consolidated document, ready for submission to the GNA Tech WG for comment, along with our draft charter.  Note that we are not seeking formal approval, only feedback.


You will note that it has been neutrally formatted with no corporate branding to speak of at this time.  This is a conscious choice, to reflect the fact that this is a collaborative effort by the community, not unduly driven by a particular NREN or formal inter-NREN organisation.  There has been some discussion about adopting our own unique new branding at some point in the future, but for now it's intentionally bland.


I'd like to submit to GNA Tech tomorrow if possible; please review as soon as you can.  Of course, there will still be time for feedback before we submit to the NREN CEO Forum for their formal approval to form an official committee/working group.


