Hi Everyone,


Apologies that I cannot make the call today due to a clash.


Best regards,


-----Original Appointment-----
From: Ryan Davies <Ryan.Davies@canarie.ca>
Sent: 24 September 2019 07:01
To: Gren-mapping-wg@lists.nordu.net; Joshua Muysson
Subject: [Gren-mapping-wg] GREN Map Meeting
When: 24 September 2019 12:00-12:45 (UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik.
Where: https://canarie.zoom.us/j/627182380


Greetings GREN Mappers,


As discussed, a meeting to kick off the resumption of activities of this group.


We will have another one, with more notice, and likely more content, Tuesday next week.







Hi there,


Ryan.Davies@canarie.ca is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Time: Sep 24, 2019 12:00 PM GMT

Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:


Please click this URL to start or join. https://canarie.zoom.us/j/627182380

Or, go to https://canarie.zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID: 627 182 380

Join from dial-in phone line:


Dial: +1 647 558 0588

Meeting ID: 627 182 380

Participant ID: Shown after joining the meeting

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ab0i2CoTxT


Join from a H.323/SIP room system:



Meeting ID: 627 182 380