thanks for your response. A few comments ahead of today’s meeting.
Based on what you've brought up, it is clear that
another round of
editing is justified for that document.
I agree. Let’s discuss in our team meeting later today.
· I actually think that the idea of showing
inter-NREN/inter-region/inter-continental links is captured by the
story "Link Type Filter", though this exact use case has not been
mentioned. (Happy to add it.) Also, in reverse, by the "Inter-NREN
Filter" story, which could be modified slightly to describe exactly
what you suggest.
Right. As long as we can use the data to (semi)automatically create the
GNA map, I’m fine.
· The idea of mapping virtual links to
physical links is an
interesting one. I think it bears more discussion. Do any current
visualisations show this kind of detail? Do any foreseeable
implementations require it? Or is it maybe a good idea for Version
It came from a specific requires from out friends at RNP. I mainly
included it as an example of the kind of metadata we may need in order
to provide for the applications people have in mind, and as an example
of data that is unlikely to be available for all links. I’m having
this as a “phase 2” thing, but we must as a minimum 1) have a data
format that is expandable to contain this type of information, and 2)
have data, APIs, and applications that can handle such information if
provided, but also work when it’s not there.
I've been mulling over in my head (and with Tom at
one point) the idea
of requiring/providing a guaranteed-unique ID for each link.
Oh. Yes, it would be great if that existed. Inventing unique ID’s is
also one of those things that look simple on the face of it, but then
turns out to have a lot of complications.
This would be a great thing to feed back to the GNA Engineering WG:
“guys, we need this ID, can you please make it happen?”. It’s a
topic for a separate work group.
See you in a few hours,
Lars Fischer - Strategy & Policy, NORDUnet
<lars(a)nordu.net>, +45 2288 1729, @lpfischer