Dear all,

I hope you are all doing well. 

As you know the NORDunet conference is well underway and I look forward to meeting you there. 

In addition to two T&I sessions that are in the programme, I have requested a slot for a closed meeting to discuss T&I strategies with the Nordic NRENs.  

I will send an ‘official’ invite to all of you directly so you can appoint 2-4 people per NREN to talk about your national strategy as well as international aspect. 

I also would like to schedule a getting together before the summer holidays. I was thinking to have such a call the week after starting with June 17th. How does this week look like for you all? 

Have a lovely weekend! 



Licia Florio

Senior Strategy and Policy Officer

Kastruplundgade 22, 1, DK-2770 Kastrup

Cell phone: +31653928443