Dear all,

Many thanks for attending the T&I Strategy meeting. 

I would like to thank also Marina and Leif for covering for while I was forced to take a d-tour to get to Bergen. It was nice to meet many of you in person for dinner.

I understand that the general feedback was positive and that you welcomed the possibility to discuss priorities and challenging areas. 

After talking to Marina and to some others my understanding is that we should continue the discussion to identify the following:

-  More structured way to share T&I related information 

- areas of collaborations; this requires more discussion.  Some areas have been identified:

Can you please send me the slides so I can upload them to the wiki? 

Lastly I would like to have a call before the end of the year.  I have created a poll to find a slot:



Licia Florio

Senior Strategy and Policy Officer

Kastruplundgade 22, 1, DK-2770 Kastrup

Cell phone: +31653928443