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Subject: outage amazon us to trondheim
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2021 15:01:42 +0200
From: Olav Kvittem <olav.kvittem@uninett.no>
To: stamnett@uninett.no <stamnett@uninett.no>, NORDUnet NOC <noc@nordu.net>


On 2021-08-10 we saw outages from Amazon US est to Trondheim.

3 outages each close to 20 minutes between 14 and 15 oclock and a few smaller ones

indicating a turbulent network situation. (coloumn 2 is seconds outage))

Traceroute visualization shows red nodes where the route has stopped. We see several nordunet routers in the list

which indicates routing instability. See https://iou2.uninett.no/microdep/tracetree.html?topo=/dragonlab/mp/amazonuw2-mp/2021-08-10/trace/ if access control permits.

The other way we also see routing turbulence even within uninett ( oslo-gw1 and dk-bal2 has lost amazon prefix).

We propose  project to develop alarms based on traceroutes when main routes fails like this.
