I was looking to add support for Dynamic Authorization Messages - Change of
Authority (CoA) and Disconnect messages - to radsecproxy. RFC for this can
be found here - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5176 .
Before diving headfirst, I wanted to ask if it is already on the roadmap or
if there has been a design discussion that I can read up on.
Thanks and regards,
Harshit Jain
Hello Fabian/Others,
We were trying to handle the client certificate expiry using the SIGHUP
mechanism that invokes *tlsreloadcrls*(). Just realized that the designated
role for this function is to only reload CAs and CRLs and not client
certificates. What was the intention behind this ?
I would assume that since the CA certificates are used to sign the client
certificates, A re-read / re-cache of just the CA certificates does not
make sense as the client certificates were signed by an earlier version of
the CA certificate and we are still working with the cached copies.