I was looking to add support for Dynamic Authorization Messages - Change of
Authority (CoA) and Disconnect messages - to radsecproxy. RFC for this can
be found here - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5176 .
Before diving headfirst, I wanted to ask if it is already on the roadmap or
if there has been a design discussion that I can read up on.
Thanks and regards,
Harshit Jain
I see that we set SO_REUSEADDR to false while binding to a datagram socket
whereas we set it to true for stream sockets. Is there a particular reason
for this?
In my setup, I have radsecproxy listening on *:2083 for UDP requests and I
have a local radius server listening on localhost:3799 (among other
external servers). I was looking to set a fixed source port from which
radsecproxy sends out requests to the local radius server, so I added a source
block to the server config like so
server localServer {
but I got an error saying "address already in use". I dug around and found
that its because SO_REUSEADDR is not set for datagram sockets.
Is there a reason for this and if so, is there any other way to add a fixed
source port to a local radius server config block?
Thanks and regards,
Dear All,
When the new radsecproxy is planned to be released?
Best Regards,
János Mohácsi
Chief International R&D Officer, T&I service owner
GÉANT activity coordinator in Hungary, EOSC GB member
T: +36 30 555 7599
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