I noticed this in fticks.c, line 109:
if (options->fticks_reporting == RSP_FTICKS_REPORTING_FULL) {
if (client->conf->fticks_visinst != NULL ) {
snprintf((char *) visinst, sizeof(visinst), "VISINST=%s#",
} else {
snprintf((char *) visinst, sizeof(visinst), "VISINST=%s#",
If a client has no fticksVISINST set, this means radsecproxy will log
the client name instead. However that may not be a valid operator-name
(1<domain>) and it probably won't convey anything meaningful: if you
don't set fticksVISINST you probably expect requests from different
operators to be proxied through that client.
If the Operator-Name attribute value won't be used in the absence of
fticksVISINST, then I guess it would be better to have an empty VISINST
(not sure if that would be valid). However it is not even possible to
force an empty value through configuration, as the tokenizer in
getconfigline() reports that "fticksVISINST needs a non-empty value".
Any ideas? Please advise.
Zenon Mousmoulas