The offending code is far from
new. Who else besides Ralf run radsecproxy in a static configuration (ie
no dynamicLookupCommand) on a multicore system and handle at least 10
In Germany most of the eduroam federation members using radsecproxy already.
So I’m very surprised that there is no information about so many crashes.
And we have a deadline on 2017, Dec. 1 in order to move all German eduroam federation members to RadSec standard protocol,
radsecproxy or RADIATOR.
Finally, I’m very happy that you both found this bug and it would be grateful if you can release 1.6.9 soon,
best before the deadline. :-)
Would you mind grepping your logs for signs of crashes?
'createlistener' might be a good string to grep for.
I’ll forward your email to the Germany eduroam list, hopefully to find out more.