Hi all!
Let me say first that I'm not entirely sure whether I should write this directly to
the Debian guys, however, I'd like to discuss some stuff first with you guys to clear
up some questions. I hope that Faidon (who maintains the Debian package) is reading this
and can help to shed some light on this. :)
We usually build radsecproxy on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS from the sources from Debian:
This used to work well with 1.6.8 and (apart from one problematic dependency on debhelper
>=10) it should work with 1.6.9 as well. I have a number of suggestions regarding the
Debian build:
- Currently, the resulting radsecproxy will run as root. I think it would be nicer to have
the daemon run as some unprivileged user (e.g. "radsecproxy").
- In the current Ubuntu release (could very likely be the same with the current Debian
release), there's a rather stupid bug in systemd where you can write an arbitrary
number (e.g. "1") into radsecproxy's PID file and as soon as the service
radsecproxy is stopped, the process that you put into the PID file is killed (which is not
so nice if it's "1"). Now, while it's unclear how easily exploitable
this is, it's still easy to cure.
I would like to discuss the following patches to the Debian build tree with you. I
don't have any experiences with Debian package design so please be patient if it has
mistakes. :)
Patch #1:
--- radsecproxy-1.6.9.old/debian/service 2017-08-04 21:12:38.000000000 +0200
+++ radsecproxy-1.6.9/debian/service 2017-08-18 07:56:46.080064099 +0200
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@
-ExecStart=/usr/sbin/radsecproxy -i /run/radsecproxy.pid
Explanation: systemd doesn't need the PID file to know about the PID that radsecproxy
runs with. So you can remove the creation of a PID file entirely as well as the PIDFile=
reference to it, working around the security risk above. Furthermore, the patch makes
systemd run radsecproxy as user "radsecproxy". For this to be possible, we
Patch #2:
Add radsecproxy-1.6.9/debian/postinst
adduser --system radsecproxy
Could you guys have a look at the above suggestions for patches and let me know what you
think? Please note that this only addresses the systemd service file, I didn't patch
the init file (which would certainly also make sense at least to let radsecproxy run as an
unprivileged user).
Note to Faidon: I like the changes that you made to harden the radsecproxy installation
when using systemd. Thanks for the good work! I have a question though: how important is
the dependency "debhelper >=10"? I'm asking because the latest debhelper
on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS is 9.x. If possible, can I change the debhelper dependency to
">=9" again? This would certainly help building the package on Ubuntu 16.04.3
LTS. Thanks!
Dipl.-Math. Christian Strauf
Clausthal Univ. of Technology E-Mail: strauf(a)rz.tu-clausthal.de
Rechenzentrum Web:
Erzstraße 18 Tel.: +49-5323-72-2086 Fax: -992086
D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld