Hello Routing Working Group,
Another reminder to get your SC22 bandwidth requests in for the November conference in Dallas, Texas.
Please see the below and attached information regarding submissions for SC22 Network Research Exhibitions. Please feel free to pass along to anyone in your community who may be interested.
We are working hard to get the bandwidth requests in early this year to give our contributors both in circuits/waves and long haul hardware ample time to prepare/plan. This is also a good chance for our group to think about how we can support demos at SC. Please have your bandwidth requests in as soon as possible.
Brenna Meade
SC22 WAN Team Chair
Routing Working Group Co-Chair
International Networks at Indiana University
Please find the attached call for participation for Network Research Exhibitions for the SC22 conference in Dallas this November. More information about SC22 can be found here:
Any questions can be directed to nre-leads(a)scinet.supercomputing.org<mailto:nre-leads@scinet.supercomputing.org>
Scott Kohlert and Kate Robinson
SC22 SCinet NRE Chairs
Hello Routing Working Group,
I have attached the slides from the Troubleshooting with Perfsonar presentation by Doug Southworth of International Networks at Indiana University.
Here is the link to the recording:
RWG Working Group April 19th <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aaOHOKMpqHj6xiezjtFrnpAcHY1ALIQS/view?usp=…>
Thank you all for your participation and feel free to reach out with any new cases or questions about the presentation.
Brenna Meade
Routing Working Group Co-Chair
Network Engineer
International Networks @ Indiana University
Just a reminder!
Our next meeting will be on April 19th at 8 am EST (April 19th 12:00PM UTC). On this call we will briefly review the current work the teams are doing to identify and fix “weird” routes and then there will be a presentation on Perfsonar.
If you don't have the meeting invite, please reach out to "Brenna <meadeb(a)iu.edu>", "Hans <addlema(a)iu.edu>" or myself "Warrick <warrick.mitchell(a)aarnet.edu.au>" and we will forward you an invite to the call.
Kind regards,
Warrick Mitchell • Head of Network and Systems Architecture
AARNet Pty Ltd
m: +61 416 089 354
e: warrick.mitchell(a)aarnet.edu.au
w: aarnet.edu.au
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Hello Routing Working Group,
The following questions came up in the routing working group slack and I am seeking volunteers to participate in this discussion from FITI/CERNET/Tshinghau.
Did ~ 4000 of the ASNs and IPv6 prefixes that are part of / behind AS3825 (Exchange Centre of FITI) go away more than a day ago? It looks like there were separate ASN for each IPv6 prefix, AS142650 to AS146745. There are now only 43 Prefixes behind AS38255.
[Chart Description automatically generated]`
Should we expect to see the 4000+ IPv6 prefixes to come back or not?
We appreciate any insight the routing working group can provide into this
Thank you!
Brenna Meade
Routing Working Group Co-Chair