Hello Routing-WG members


   Thanks everyone who came to the meeting this morning.


Our next meetings are:


We meant to record today’s talk but that didn’t happen unfortunately. If there’s enough interest/need we can try to do another in the opposite time zone. The slides are available online here:



We walked through 4 examples, although there’s a 5th in the slides (slides 17 and 18) for very strange routes between Singapore and New Zealand. These included unexpected the following unexpected routes:

  1. NIA (S. Korea) to Microsoft (Singapore)
  2. Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) to Education Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government (Taiwan)
  3. CERN (Geneva) to KISTI (S. Korea)
  4. KENET to SURFnet
  5. National University of Singapore to University Otago (New Zealand)


We’d like to put together teams to start to address these, with the hopes of using these examples to talk about what infrastructure/documentation we need to address these more generally, and reviewing them at the mid August meeting. Please respond to any of the chairs if you want to be involved in any of these. If the co-chairs decide you’re needed, you may get looped in even if you don’t tell us. We’re hoping these teams will start working on these in the next week with the hopes of having something to report in 4 weeks. Likely these will also be discussed on the Slack channel – so don’t forget to watch there as well.


Please get in touch with any questions or comments – see you in 2 weeks at APAN and then at our next regular meeting 2 weeks after that.


-jennifer, on behalf of the Routing WG co-chairs






Dr. Jennifer M. Schopf

Director, International Networks

Director, Engagement and Performance Operations Center

Indiana University