

Correct link to the recording from the September meeting. The previous recording I sent out is for PeeringDB, also a good resource / talk.


The video may still be processing when you try to access, so feel free to download or wait until it finishes processing.


RWG September Meeting - Microdep  






From: Brenna Meade <meadeb@iu.edu>
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 8:37 AM
To: "routing-wg@lists.gna-g.net" <routing-wg@lists.gna-g.net>
Cc: Otto Jonassen Wittner <otto.wittner@sikt.no>
Subject: [External] [Routing-wg] September meeting slides and recording


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Hello Routing Working Group,


I have attached the slides from our September meeting.


Here is the link to the recording of the session

RWG September Meeting - Microdep  


Thank you for your continued participation in the Routing Working Group! Please reach out to us with any new cases or topics of interest!



Brenna Meade