Greetings Routing Working Group,


Please take time as soon as possible to fill out the linked doodle poll. Our next call will feature David Teach from the NSRC giving an overview of Routeviews as the 1st talk in our Tool Talks series. Please find the synopsis of the talk below.



RouteViews Introduction


RouteViews collects BGP routing information from many sites across the

world and has been providing BGP data for over 25 years.  The first

BGP data dumps were collected in 1995.  The archiving of snapshots

started in 1997 and there are now more than 68,000 snapshots in the

archive, capturing more than two decades worth of Internet routing

table history.


In this talk David Teach will share more about RouteViews, how it

works, how to use it for troubleshooting various routing issues.

David will also briefly discuss the new features that have been added




Hans Addleman
Routing Working Group Co-Chair