Dear Brenna,


This is Zhonghui Li from FITI NOC, Tsinghua University.

Thank you for sharing the observation on prefix number change in FITI announcement.

Actually, FITI backbone is under the 2nd phase of deployment and adjustment recently, including internal & external routing amendment. I believe you can see the announcement of ~4000 ASNs and IPv6 prefixes has been restored, but there still might be some short flaps in the near future.

Here I would also like to share some information of FITI for your reference.


Best Regards,




The FITI is composed of one backbone and 40 experimental nodes (41 new ASNs) to provide slice-based virtualized networking & computing environment for R&E user to carry out large-scale experiment, and, up to 4096 slices will be supported over FITI backbone concurrently. For each slice (virtualized testbed for R&E user) might need to be connected to public network, including global R&E network for international collaboration purpose, via FIX and CNGI-6IX, so FITI Project has applied 4096 public ASNs (AS142650 - AS146745) for 4096 slices, and allocated /32 IPv6 prefix for each slice from FITI /20 address block (240a:a000::/20). Considering each slice is an individual R&E testbed (dynamically allocated on demand) with dedicated ASN for different purpose from each other, FITI must announce those 4096 /32 IPv6 prefixes to global R&E networks separately.



From: <> On Behalf Of Meade, Brenna
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 11:02 PM
Subject: [Routing-wg] Seeking volunteers for RWG discussion from FITI/CERNET/Tshinghau


Hello Routing Working Group,


The following questions came up in the routing working group slack and I am seeking volunteers to participate in this discussion from FITI/CERNET/Tshinghau.


Did ~ 4000 of the ASNs and IPv6 prefixes that are part of / behind AS3825 (Exchange Centre of FITI) go away more than a day ago? It looks like there were separate ASN for each IPv6 prefix, AS142650 to AS146745. There are now only 43 Prefixes behind AS38255.



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Should we expect to see the 4000+ IPv6 prefixes to come back or not?


We appreciate any insight the routing working group can provide into this



Thank you!


Brenna Meade

Routing Working Group Co-Chair