

   Warrick, Hans, and I would like to welcome you to the newly approved GNA-G Routing Working group!  Our charter is available online  . As many of you are aware, we’re hoping to be co-registered as a working group with APAN, and we’ll be holding our second BOF at APAN in August towards that end.  You’re receiving this mail because you’ve previously expressed interest in one or the other of these groups, which are combined at this point.


We’d like to start having regular meetings, which we will both record and send around notes from since there’s no good time to meet globally. The first several meetings will involve tool talks for relevant tools,  and then we’ll progress to the meat of the working group activities – identifying questionable routes (and the teams to work to resolve them) and actually writing down routing policies for links and verifying that the policies are being followed. For the first meeting, we’ve set up a doodle poll - which is slanted toward “better for Asia” times, please chime in with what works for you and we’ll see what we can set up. The ones that follow will likely need to rotate.


We’ll be using the mailing list for the bulk of the working group planning and discussion. We’ve also set up a slack channel on the APAN slack instance, which you should receive an invite to in email. If you don’t, you can join the APAN slack instance here And then then routing working group channel. If you know others who would like to join this effort, please have them contact myself, Warrick, or Hans and we’ll add them to the mailing list and slack channel.


The first tool talk will be on RouteViews – see abstract below.  Wer look forward to meeting up in the next couple weeks!











RouteViews Introduction


RouteViews collects BGP routing information from many sites across the

world and has been providing BGP data for over 25 years.  The first

BGP data dumps were collected in 1995.  The archiving of snapshots

started in 1997 and there are now more than 68,000 snapshots in the

archive, capturing more than two decades worth of Internet routing

table history.


In this talk David Teach will share more about RouteViews, how it

works, how to use it for troubleshooting various routing issues.

David will also briefly discuss the new features that have been added







Dr. Jennifer M. Schopf

Director, International Networks

Director, Engagement and Performance Operations Center

Indiana University