Dear WG,
After an introduction from CANARIE, we have tested out the sandbox at NORDUnet. We have
done (early, alpha) code to extract network data from our network inventory database and
export in GRENML format. It’s not fully automatic yet, but 95% there + a bit of
handholding. Having the sandbox to create local displays to check the export is a big help
in this process.
We have rounded most GPS coordinates to 4 digits. In addition, we have some “secret”
sites, so those a placed at an arbitrary “center” point of a city.
We’re internally quite impressed; there’s clear potential in aggregating this process over
the networks in our region. Once past the TNC demo, I will approach the Nordic NRENs to
see if we can do a similar exercise.

Lars Fischer - Strategy & Policy, NORDUnet
lars(a), +45 2288 1729, @lpfischer
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