Dear all,
I hope this email finds you well.
I had planned to get in touch with you all at the start of the new year to find a slot for a face to face meeting. Sadly January was suddenly packed with a number of meeting in person that I had not foreseen back in December. Then I got also ill and somehow we are already in mid February!
I would still like to organise a face to face meeting in March and I hope we can find a suitable slot.
l have created a poll for
There are a lot of things happening so I have limited availability, but I hope that at least one of the proposed slots will work out. If we do not manage to have sufficient quorum for a f2f meeting we’ll organise a call.
Please note that the notes from the last call have been on the wiki for a while
Have a nice day,
Licia Florio - Senior Strategy and Policy Officer, NORDUnet
Phone: +31653928443
Data protection policy:
Legal notice:
Dear all,
We have scheduled our next call for Friday the 8th at 2PM CET.
I would like to discuss the following topics, but I also would like to ask you if you have anything to discuss.
My initial list is the following:
- Quick follow up from the meeting in Bergen: how do we continue from that? Marina, Hildegunn, Licia
- EOSC EU NODE AAI: what does this mean for the IdPs? Anything we can do? - Christos
- Some thoughts on the next steps for the SwamID federation - Pal
- TIIME workshop in MAR 31 - APR 3, 2025 | Reading, UK - for info
- A.o.B
You should have the invite in your cal if not, ping me :)
Have a nice week!
Licia Florio
Senior Strategy and Policy Officer
Kastruplundgade 22, 1, DK-2770 Kastrup
Cell phone: +31653928443
Dear all,
Many of you have seen the news [1] about the EOSC EU NODE going into production.
You can all (actually you should) try and login and see how that looks like/works:
One important feature is that users can log into the EU NODE with either their eduGAIN/ National Federation account or with the EU Login (the one that is used to login into the EC portal for the grant management).
For users that login using they the federated credentials it is essential that the IdPs release the necessary attributes. As you know this has been a long standing issue and one that IMHO may lead to make federations not fit for purpose if things do not change.
GEANT is leading the EOSC AAI and Christos has prepared a page that explain what is required:
It would be great if you share this information with your IdPs to ensure their users can get credits to use the services on the EU NODE.
Licia Florio
Senior Strategy and Policy Officer
Kastruplundgade 22, 1, DK-2770 Kastrup
Cell phone: +31653928443
Dear all,
I closed the poll. Many thanks for the answers.
I found a date that looks promising.
You should have received an invite.
Licia Florio
Senior Strategy and Policy Officer
Kastruplundgade 22, 1, DK-2770 Kastrup
Cell phone: +31653928443