Dear all,
Many thanks for joining the Northern T&I list :)
As anticipated, we would like to start a more systematic exchange of information in the
area of Trust and Identity. The aim is on one hand to share information about initiates
and projects in Europe primarily (but not exclusively), and on the other hand to hear
what your national priorities are and if we can join forces.
The first call will be on Dec 19 at 10 CET at 10 CET. I appreciate that not everybody may
be able to make it, for the future I will suggest some slots so we can choose a most
favourable one.
The proposed agenda is as follows:
- Reflection on the GÈANT T&I CTO Strategy workshop that took place on the 15th of
Nov: many of you attended the event. For those of you that have not attended I attached
the draft strategy document - What are your priorities in the T&I area? Do you have a
strategy that you can share? Can NORDUNET help ?
- GN5-2 project preparation has started: are you thinking to get involved ?
- EU level initiatives: a quick update on the student mobility, EOSC (wrt to the AAI),
wallets projects and AARC 3 project
- Anything else you would like to share
- Virtually drinks and season greetings
Details to join:
Looking forward to talking to you.
Licia Florio
Senior Strategy and Policy Officer
Kastruplundgade 22, 1, DK-2770 Kastrup
Cell phone: +31653928443