Let’s see if we can manage to kick off the Nordic network metrics WG before the holidays. Please fill in his doodle:
The doodle avoids next week due to TNC, midsummer, etc.
We will have a simple agenda, with our items:
1. Introductions
2. Deploying the Uninett micro-dependency measurement probes
3. Next Meeting
4. AoB
Item 2) above is the reason we want to get started right ahead. Uninett is eager to progress the deployment.
Lars Fischer - Strategy & Policy, NORDUnet
lars(a), +45 2288 1729, @lpfischer
Welcome to the Nordic network metrics WG mailing list.
You have been added to this list because you attended a meeting on network metric in the recent weeks. If you do not think you should be on the list, let me know. Likewise, if someone else from your NREN should be on the list, let me know.
As agreed in the CAG, this group will serve as a forum for discussions related to (operational) network metrics, and to coordinate joint action. Initially, the group will help coordinate deployment of probes for the Uninett-developed micro-dependability system.
I will issue a doodle poll for a first WG meeting soon(ish).
For reference, the group description is attached.
Lars Fischer - Strategy & Policy, NORDUnet
lars(a), +45 2288 1729, @lpfischer
I'm me, who are we?
Suddenly got this mail and it might be a good idea, but it's very out of the blue :-)
Are we people that allready know each other, or is an introduction in order ?
Anders Mundt Due
Technician, DeiC