... a link to the current Microdep map is here:
Dear all,
Even though we didn't manage to get direct feedback from you before
todays NORDUnet CAG-meeting, we submitted the attached pre-project
proposal to CAG.
Based on you enthusiasm about Uninett Microdep monitoring system from
our meeting earlier this year, we hoped to get funding apoorved for this
small pre-project.
Feedback from CAG today is that the amount of funding requested (~€ 40
000) is realistic, however not before each partner can commit in
contributing the no of hours suggested.
So... we now need names of people who can commit to work those (few)
hours asked for in the pre-project proposal.
A single sentence summary of the proposal: Collaborative work were all
nordic NRENs and NORDUnet add monitoring nodes (linux boxes) and "play
around" with the current Microdep system Uninett is operating (a
multi-tenant variant of the map presented), and generate a plan for
future upscaling and added features.
Who can find time this autumn (which then may beinvoiced to NORDUnet)
according to the budget suggested? I.e Uninett 200hrs, Funet 40hrs,
Sunet 20hrs, DeiC 20hrs, NORDUnet 60hrs .
Please look at the proposal and give us feedback.
Best regards
On 24.08.2021 12:48, Otto Wittner (Uninett) wrote:
Dear all,
I hope you are all well, Covid-free, and perhaps back in your offices
(either the classic one or the home variant) and "behind the wheel"
Me, Olav and Olaf at Uninett have started preparing a new variant of
our proposal for a Nordic collaboration project on end-to-end
monitoring. We aim to have a first draft of our document ready by
We would very much like to have feedback, hence is doable for you to
read through those few pages and join a quick online meeting on
Thursday Aug 26th to give us your comments?
Calendar invitation with Zoom-link is incoming in separate email.