Hello Everyone,
It has been some time since the working group met, so together with CANARIE, we would like to arrange a meeting in the coming weeks to look at where things stand and what should happen next. So to find a date, we've created a doodle poll: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/avDB68Xd
Could you please complete the doodle by the end of 23rd October so that we can fix the date in our diaries as quickly as possible?
Best regards,
Tom Fryer
Head of International Relations
e-mail: Tom.Fryer(a)geant.org<mailto:Tom.Fryer@geant.org>
Mobile: +34 638 175060
Networks Services People
Lean more at www.geant.org<http://www.geant.org/>
GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging. Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands. UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK.
Hello All,
At TNC this year (just over a week away!) I will be running a demo on deploying the GREN map using Kubernetes and Helm. I will talk through how we, at CANARIE, are running 14 production instances of the GREN map and show a demo based on this. This is a great opportunity for you to see the GREN map in action.
The demo will be on the Tuesday, June 11th at 12:45 - 13:15 in Community Hub 3. You can see the full programme here https://tnc24.geant.org/programme/.
I would love to see you all there please bring along anyone you think will be interested.
It would also be great opportunity to take some time after my demo and have an informal working group meeting seeing as we will already be in one place. If that interests you, stick around after my demo and we can find somewhere to chat. This should allow us to transition into a stage where the working group can start to drive adoption and deployment of the software.
Again, if you can make it, I would love to see you in Rennes.
Best Regards,
Dan Sellars | Manager, Software Development | CANARIE<http://www.canarie.ca/>
dan.sellars(a)canarie.ca<mailto:dan.sellars@canarie.ca> | 613-943-5430
At CANARIE we support flexible work arrangements. My work day may look different than your work day. Please do not feel obligated to respond out of your normal working hours
This is a meeting at which CANARIE will present the work done on a first version of the Canadian NREN interactive map, and we will discuss next steps for engaging participation from RENs around the globe.
Meeting ID: 640 6888 0963
Passcode: 778584
Dear Everyone,
I hope this message finds everyone well.
Whilst discussion in this group has been quiet for some time, CANARIE have been working hard at continuing the development of the data management system. They have made significant progress and are very close to a first release. Data for the Canadian provisional networks and the CANARIE backbone has been collated a map visualisation created.
We would therefore like to present this to you in a meeting later this month, and discuss next steps for promotion to non-WG members, as well as some other items, such as hosting of a top-level data node, licensing for a visualisation platform, etc.
Please complete the doodle poll here<https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/ep23MN2b> to find a date in the latter half of September. (Note that Doodle now have restricted the number of slots one can include in a poll - hopefully we'll find a slot that works out of those I have included. If not, we'll revisit).
Best regards,
Tom Fryer
Head of International Relations
e-mail: Tom.Fryer(a)geant.org<mailto:Tom.Fryer@geant.org>
Mobile: +34 638 175060
Networks Services People
Lean more at www.geant.org<http://www.geant.org/>
GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging. Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands. UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK.
Hello GREN Mappers,
I hope you have all had great summers-slash-winters!
After some great visibility and support shown for the project at TNC [aside: it was nice to see many of you there!], it’s time to start discussing and engaging our next steps as we prepare for the much-anticipated launch of Version 1.0.
I am sending out three meeting invites to cover the remainder of 2022, and I will include one at an alternative time slot to accommodate those for whom this time regular slot is not convenient.
Agenda for the first meeting to follow!
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Ryan Davies is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Hello all,
I hope that you are well and looking forward to TNC!
We haven’t got a formal meeting planned for the WG, everyone seems so busy and it is hard to organise a time. It would be a shame not to get as many people as possible together though.
To that end here are our options:
Ryan will be hosting a demo/office hours period at the GÉANT booth on Wednesday at noon, this would be an excellent time to meet up if you can swing it in your schedules.
Ryan and I will be at the GNA-G meeting on Monday morning.
One other option that was suggested to me, if the conference dinner on Wednesday evening is not fixed seating we could socialise and try and sit together then. I appreciate that many of you will have other plans already.
Don’t forget that Ryan is doing a lightening talk in the Auditorium on Wednesday afternoon at 15:00 (https://tnc22.geant.org/lightning-talks/#c192) so it would be great to get as many of you as possible there. Ryan and I will be at the GÉANT booth following that if anyone wants to chat after his talk.
Let us know what might work for you or if you have another idea that might work. This will be my first TNC so I am not sure what other opportunities might present themselves.
I look forward to catching up or meeting for the first time as many of you as I can.
Best Regards,
From: "Schopf, Jennifer M" <jmschopf(a)indiana.edu>
Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 7:46 AM
To: Ryan Davies <Ryan.Davies(a)canarie.ca>, "Gren-mapping-wg(a)lists.nordu.net" <Gren-mapping-wg(a)lists.nordu.net>, Tom Vitez <Tom.Vitez(a)canarie.ca>, "ajay(a)sanren.ac.za" <ajay(a)sanren.ac.za>, "john(a)sanren.ac.za" <john(a)sanren.ac.za>, "ian.galpin(a)geant.org" <ian.galpin(a)geant.org>, Dan Doyle <daldoyle(a)globalnoc.iu.edu>
Subject: [GREN-Mapping-WG] Re: Actions Requested: GREN Map Initial Release Task List
External This email originated from outside the organization. Use caution when following links as they could open malicious web sites.
I’ve been out of the office and just catching up now. Did this group find a time to meet at TNC?
Dr. Jennifer M. Schopf
Director, International Networks
Director, Engagement and Performance Operations Center
Indiana University
From: Ryan Davies <Ryan.Davies(a)canarie.ca>
Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 1:19 AM
To: Gren-mapping-wg(a)lists.nordu.net <Gren-mapping-wg(a)lists.nordu.net>, Tom Vitez <Tom.Vitez(a)canarie.ca>, ajay(a)sanren.ac.za <ajay(a)sanren.ac.za>, john(a)sanren.ac.za <john(a)sanren.ac.za>, ian.galpin(a)geant.org <ian.galpin(a)geant.org>, Dan Doyle <daldoyle(a)globalnoc.iu.edu>, Schopf, Jennifer M <jmschopf(a)indiana.edu>
Subject: Actions Requested: GREN Map Initial Release Task List
Hello GREN Mappers,
As you may know, we are preparing to release the first public version of the GREN Map system software this year. At our last meeting, we discussed a draft list of tasks remaining before we are ready to do so. The list can be found on the Working Group’s wiki:
We are looking for members to participate in two ways:
1. Review the task list. Please let me know if you feel there are any items missing to get ready for “version one point zero” release, or if you have any other feedback about the list. (Note that of course we intend for development to continue after v1.0 is released. There is a long wish list of features still in the backlog, and surely more will be proposed once this is out in the wild. For the moment, we want to identify what is required as a bare minimum for the system to function usefully and securely enough to start assembling real data and publishing some basic maps.)
2. Sign up to oversee tasks. We are looking specifically for names attached to the “Managed By” field for each task, not the “Assigned To” fields for the subtasks. What this means is that accepting these responsibilities would not necessarily imply doing any of the actual work (although we would welcome that too!), but rather to plan the implementation, recruit people to do the work, supervise the task, ensure it gets done, and briefly report on progress when appropriate. The task list page may look long, but don’t be fooled, the tasks are mostly each quite small; many likely involve only a handful of hours!
Please reach out to me if you have any feedback or questions, or if you’d like to go ahead and sign up to manage a task! Our imminent meeting is also another great time to bring anything up.
Ideally, we request your responses by February 1.
Hello GREN Mappers,
As you may know, we are preparing to release the first public version of the GREN Map system software this year. At our last meeting, we discussed a draft list of tasks remaining before we are ready to do so. The list can be found on the Working Group’s wiki:
We are looking for members to participate in two ways:
1. Review the task list. Please let me know if you feel there are any items missing to get ready for “version one point zero” release, or if you have any other feedback about the list. (Note that of course we intend for development to continue after v1.0 is released. There is a long wish list of features still in the backlog, and surely more will be proposed once this is out in the wild. For the moment, we want to identify what is required as a bare minimum for the system to function usefully and securely enough to start assembling real data and publishing some basic maps.)
2. Sign up to oversee tasks. We are looking specifically for names attached to the “Managed By” field for each task, not the “Assigned To” fields for the subtasks. What this means is that accepting these responsibilities would not necessarily imply doing any of the actual work (although we would welcome that too!), but rather to plan the implementation, recruit people to do the work, supervise the task, ensure it gets done, and briefly report on progress when appropriate. The task list page may look long, but don’t be fooled, the tasks are mostly each quite small; many likely involve only a handful of hours!
Please reach out to me if you have any feedback or questions, or if you’d like to go ahead and sign up to manage a task! Our imminent meeting is also another great time to bring anything up.
Ideally, we request your responses by February 1.
Hello All,
I hope you are well. Who will be in person at TNC this year? From CANARIE’s regular working group attendees Tom, Ryan and I are planning on attending and I am sure some others. If we can arrange time to have an in person meeting I think it would be really great.
Would any of you have time on either the Monday or Friday to get together?
We can arrange specifics closer to the time, I would just like to see who is interested for now.
Best Regards,
Dan Sellars | Manager, Software Development | CANARIE
Greetings GREN Mappers,
At our upcoming meeting, we can look forward to seeing a demo of the current state of the GREN Map software stack in the development stage. Thanks to Dan for assembling this demo, which consists of a handful of database nodes spun up on two of CANARIE’s cloud clusters, and their visualisation instances, plus some data from just a few participating networks at three levels in the data hierarchy. Dan will run through a quick tour of the software and how he’s got them set up, then we will welcome questions.
The demo should help us focus our efforts in the lead-up to our first public release. Though we have previously generally converged on the recommendations made recently by the development team, this might help illuminate some of the details and inspire further thoughts.
This is a great segue to the other major topic as we push towards an initial public release: the list of non-development tasks we feel are required to support the software in order to make this a viable product for the world to begin using. There are still many items without names attached to them. The GREN Map project wiki has been down for a while; it will hopefully be back up soon. In the mean time, in the meeting, we will review a local copy I have of the list, in hopes that we will continue to welcome more small contributions from the group. (Many tasks involve only a small time commitment.)
Thus comprises the agenda for the meeting:
1. Demo
* Guided Tour
* Questions
2. Release Task List Review
3. Other Business
4. Next Meeting
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Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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