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Subject: outage amazon us to trondheim
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2021 15:01:42 +0200
From: Olav Kvittem <olav.kvittem(a)uninett.no>
To: stamnett(a)uninett.no <stamnett(a)uninett.no>, NORDUnet NOC
On 2021-08-10 we saw outages from Amazon US est to Trondheim.
3 outages each close to 20 minutes between 14 and 15 oclock and a few
smaller ones
indicating a turbulent network situation. (coloumn 2 is seconds outage))
Traceroute visualization shows red nodes where the route has stopped. We
see several nordunet routers in the list
which indicates routing instability. See
if access control permits.
The other way we also see routing turbulence even within uninett (
oslo-gw1 and dk-bal2 has lost amazon prefix).
We propose project to develop alarms based on traceroutes when main
routes fails like this.