Hi all,
Some advance notice: we will be running an in-person side-meeting at the TNC25 conference in Brighton, UK. It’s confirmed and in the program for Friday 13 June, 9am-12.30pm.
So, if you’re going to be at TNC, please make sure you stay for Friday!
Our side-meetings at TNC each year have been very well attended and lively. We’re working on developing the agenda – please reach out to the LT with suggested topics you’d like included.
On a related note, we’re also running side-meetings at APAN59 in Yokohama, Japan, and at Internet2 Community Exchange in Anaheim, USA. Please come along, if you’re at either of those conferences
Full details will go up on the GNA-G events page https://www.gna-g.net/meeting/ as we finalise them.
And finally, thanks to all who attended the first of our two Community VCs this week – we had some great presentations and discussion. We’re looking forward to seeing more of you on the second call tomorrow! (Kickoff at 9am UTC on Thu 13 Feb.)
(on behalf of the GNA-G LT)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)aarnet.edu.au<mailto:david.wilde@aarnet.edu.au>
Hi again,
As mentioned in a previous email, we’re running our pair of Community VCs for Q1 2025 this week.
This is the invitation and zoom details for the second VC: Thu 13 Feb, 9-11am UTC
(Please feel free to decline if that’s not your preferred timezone.)
Details are being added to the GNA-G event page under https://www.gna-g.net/meeting/
Hope to see you on the call!
(on behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde is inviting you to a scheduled AARNet Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting<https://aarnet.zoom.us/j/81432540975?pwd=1rW7aJk1gf8DkuddxV63vgVIaBiiLb.1&f…>
This meeting may be recorded, transcribed, or digitally summarised in Australia. You will be notified during the meeting if these features are used. Contact the host prior to the meeting with any concerns.
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Meeting ID:
814 3254 0975
Hi all,
As mentioned in a previous email, we’re running our pair of Community VCs for Q1 2025 this week.
This is the invitation and zoom details for the first VC: Tue 11 Feb, 6-8pm UTC
(Please feel free to decline if that’s not your preferred timezone.)
Details are being added to the GNA-G event page under https://www.gna-g.net/meeting/
Hope to see you on the call!
(on behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde is inviting you to a scheduled AARNet Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting<https://aarnet.zoom.us/j/88282359447?pwd=2MlFjOkl8pQAOCddkzURZJuibkrPeq.1&f…>
This meeting may be recorded, transcribed, or digitally summarised in Australia. You will be notified during the meeting if these features are used. Contact the host prior to the meeting with any concerns.
Phone one-tap:
Australia: +61280152088,,88282359447#,,1#,915296#<tel:+61280152088,,88282359447#,,1#,915296#>
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Meeting ID:
882 8235 9447
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Australia: +61 2 8015 2088
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882 8235 9447
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Meeting ID:
882 8235 9447