For those of you that joined yesterday’s GNA-G community VC
1a<…, you have
seen my presentation for the new GREN Engineering Advancement workgroup (if you want you
can download them from… link
valid till march 9th, afterwards if they are unavailable on the GNA-G website drop me an
The aim of this workgroup pioneer, try, test, experiment with solutions to better/more
efficiently/redundantly run services over links part of the GNA-G. We have been doing vlan
engineering for ever and know the downsides of it. On the other hand, almost all of us run
a MPLS enabled network that provides far more protection/redundancy/fast failover. What
can we do to also bring this into the world of GNA-G and the links with which we
interconnect NREN’s? This workgroup wants to inventorize what possibilities are out there
and test them. This knowledge will be distributes to the relevant engineering groups
running systems like ANA-Engineering or AER-Engineering. Who on there turn can provide
feedback for additional testing or ideally decide to implement it.
The goal of this workgroup is therefor strictly focussed how can we enhance operation on
systems between production networks. So no very experimental stuff like thing that could
be considered in the Data Intensive Science workgroup as prototyping and pre-production.
Over the past months I’ve reached out to the ANA partners at Nordunet 2022, SuperComputing
2022 and Internet2 TechEX 2022 and noticed a lot of enthusiasm and interest in this
subject. With this I want to call for engineers interested in participating in this
workgroup. Folks that have ideas and can contribute in testing them. You can sign up to
the mailing list at From there
we’ll start planning for an initial call to kick things of.
Attached the draft 0.9 charter of this workgroup