Dear Members of the GNA-G Community:
At the GNA-G meeting in Tallinn, in June of this year, there was
discussion about the structure of the leadership of the GNA-G moving
forward. Initially, there were three co-chairs, i.e. Erik-Jan Bos, David
Wilde, and Dale Finkelson. These were co-chairs of the GNA or the GLIF
prior to the merger of the two on 1 July 2019. Also during Tallinn, we
were happy that Jim Ghadbane volunteered to act as the Executive Liaison
for GNA-G.
While having the initial three co-chairs proved useful as an initial
structure at the outset of the GNA-G meeting in Tallinn, it also became
clear that this arrangement was not the best way for moving forward. As
a result of suggestions heard at the Tallinn meeting, a call went out to
the GNA-G Community for individuals who would be interested in joining
the GNA-G Leadership Team in setting the directions and doing oversight
of the GNA-G.
We are now pleased to announce that three individuals did step up to
this challenge and have joined the three initial co-chairs to form a
six-member Leadership Team. We hereby ask you all to welcome Harvey
Newman from the California Institute of Technology, Gerben van
Malenstein from SURF, and Buseung Cho from KREONET/KISTI in their new
roles as members of the GNA-G Leadership Team.
Thank you and kind regards,
David, Dale, and Erik-Jan.
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