Dear members of the GNA-G Community:
If you were in New Orleans, last week, and participated or presented in
the GNA-G WG Meeting: Thank you!
The slides used in New Orleans by the various presenters have been added
to a Box folder, in pdf-format. This is the link to the folder:
The agenda used, with links to each slide deck, as well as the list of
participants, is available here in this pdf-document:
Please note that the next GNA-G WG Meeting will take in the week of 2
March 2020, in Kathmandu, Nepal, co-located with APAN49. As soon as the
APAN49 organizers have allocated a time slot for the GNA-G WG Meeting,
this will be announced on this list.
The next full day GNA-G Meeting is scheduled to take place, co-located
with the Internet2 Global Summit in Indianapolis, IN, USA, in the week
of 30 March 2020. More information on this event will be announced early
in the new year.
Kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark