Dear All:
You receive this e-mail because you were subscribed to
<gna(a)> or to <all(a)>. As you know, the date specified
for merging the GNA Technical WG and the GLIF was 1 July 2019, and the
new entity is named the Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G). All
subscribers of both mailing lists are now members of
<all(a)>, i.e. this list. If you want to unsubscribe, you
can do so yourself or send a mail to the co-chairs to be removed.
For those of you who were in Tallinn, Estonia (the location of TNC19 and
where we held the inaugural GNA-G meeting), we hope you had safe travels
back. The draft notes of the Tallinn GNA-G meeting are added to this
mail. Comments welcome, until 15 August 2019 at noon UTC.
We, the initial co-chairs of GNA-G, were thrilled by the Tallinn meeting
and the energy we experienced in the room. The reports from the GREN
Mapping WG and the Virtualization WG were great. It was also good to
hear of the pending developments in China. We would like to thank Jim
Ghadbane for his inspiring opening remarks and for being available as
GNA-G’s Executive Liaison, and we’d like to thank the other executives
that were in the room, i.e. Chris Hancock, Inder Monga, René Buch, and
Rob Vietzke, for their support.
The former co-chair of GLIF, David Wilde, and the former co-chairs of
the GNA Technical WG, Dale Finkelson and Erik-Jan Bos, volunteered to
start to lead the GNA-G, in order to have continuation, right from the
start of the merger.
In response to the suggestion on chairing the GNA-G, we heard a number
of excellent suggestions. Primary among these was inviting nominations
for additional co-chairs. In response to this, we are now asking you to
nominate one (or more) individuals to serve as co-chairs. You can
nominate yourself, or nominate another person (who of course has to
accept). We would suggest checking with a potential nominee to be
certain that he/she is indeed willing and able to serve as a GNA-G
co-chair. While there are no specific criteria for being a co-chair, it
does have a time commitment and a need for international travel. If a
nominee has questions about the time or travel commitment, please feel
free to contact a current co-chair or the executive sponsor. Please
submit your nominations, not later than 15 August 2019 at noon UTC.
In this instance, the selection will essentially be by acclaim. When
nominations are complete, unless objections are raised, the nominees
will be asked to join as co-chairs. At the next general meeting (see
below), the process for chair rotation will again be reviewed.
We are also thrilled with the ideas for new Working Groups, e.g. in the
area of NSI Operations, and the fact that we heard back from several
people, both present in the meeting, and not present, that they are
available to work on important topics in the Global R&E Network (GREN).
As stated at the meeting, a significant measure of success in this
activity is the willingness of the community to engage. More information
about these new groups will be coming out soon.
A number of new GNA-G mailing lists have been established. They are:
- <all(a)>: All people interested in GNA-G progress
- <co-chairs(a)>: The current co-chairs
- <exec-liaison(a)>: Jim Ghadbane (President & CEO, CANARIE)
Please note: The <all(a)> list has been populated with all
of the membership from the GLIF and GNA mailing lists. Note that this is
the entire GLIF membership, not only GLIF Tech.
Last, but not least, during the meeting in Tallinn, we agreed that there
are three opportunities for Working Groups to meet in the next half
year, i.e.:
• In September 2019, in San Diego, CA, after the GRP workshop
• In December 2019, in New Orleans, LA, during TechEx19
• In March 2020, in Kathmandu, Nepal, during APAN49 (to be confirmed)
If you are planning on having a Working Group meeting at any of these
events please let the GNA-G Co-chairs know in order that they can assist
with planning and notification. The next full GNA-G meeting will take
place end of March or early April 2020, in Indianapolis, IN, USA, during
the Internet2 Global Summit.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
David, Dale, and Erik-Jan,
GNA-G Co-chairs
Attachment: Draft notes Tallinn GNA-G meeting, 20 June 2019.