Dear GNA-G Community member,
The GNA-G Nominations Committee (NomCom) is accepting nominations for the GNA-G Leadership Team (LT) through 23:00 GMT 31 March 2025. The LT has eight vacancies.
The current Leadership Team consists of six seats for co-chairs: Buseung Cho (KISTI), Harvey Newman (Caltech), David Wilde (AARnet), Ivana Golub (PSNC), and Alex Moura (KAUST) with one vacant seat left by Marco Teixeira (RedClara) last year. Alex is still in his 1st term and will continue in this role. Harvey, Ivana, and David have indicated they are willing to serve the LT for a second term. They will follow the NomCom process alongside any other nominees. This email will outline the details of that process.
The GNA-G Terms of Reference (ToR) have been changed recently allowing an LT of up to nine members. For that reason, we are now filling eight vacancies. The new LT members will be elected for a 48-month (4-year) term.
Anyone working in the R&E networking community is eligible to serve in the LT. The NomCom will be looking for candidates with technical competence, organizational skills, or relevant experience in guiding and setting community direction. In filling the open positions, the NomCom considers age, gender, geographical location as well as R&E networking experience to ensure that the global community is well represented on the LT.
What does it mean to be an LT member?
The LT looks after the long-term evolution of the networking layer of the Global R&E Network (GREN) and provides oversight to the GNA-G Working Groups. The LT also manages the GNA-G website and consults with the Executive Liaison from time to time. For more information see
The LT meets by VC on a regular basis, to discuss progress, issues, and community meetings. Due to the global nature of the GREN, the work in GNA-G means a VC out of office hours, due to time zones. Also, the full GNA-G Community meets every now and then to discuss developments and next steps at global events as much as possible, which may involve occasional intercontinental travel. There is no reimbursement for serving on the LT, as this is deemed a community service supported by your home organization.
How to get nominated?
Any member of the GNA-G Community may nominate any member of the GNA-G Community for the open positions; self-nomination is permitted. A nomination is only complete when supported by at least one other member from the community, from a different organization, participating in the GNA-G, than the nominee. In addition, the nominee must accept the nomination.
A nomination can have two forms:
1. You can nominate someone + get a second from a member of the community + have the nominee accept the nomination; or
2. Nominate yourself + get a second from a member of the community.
You must indicate why you want to join the GNA-G LT. Nominations should be sent to: nominations(a)<>. Accepted nominations will be made public to the GNA-G community.
Nomination Timeline
1 March 2025 - Call for Nominations opens
31 March 2025 - Nominations close
10 April 2025 - Announcement of candidates by the NomCom, community feedback opens
30 April 2025 - Community Feedback closes
14 May 2025 - NomCom announces new LT members during GNA-G VC.
NomCom members
• Celeste Anderson (Pacific Wave) – USA
• Lars Fischer (NORDUnet) – European Nordics
• Alexander van den Hil (SURF) – The Netherlands
• Bruno Hoeft (KIT) – Germany
• Lisandro Granville (RNP) – Brazil
• Francis Bu Sung Lee (SingAREN) – Singapore
Should you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out to (one of) the NomCom members.
Kind regards,
Alexander van den Hil
Hi all,
Some advance notice: we will be running an in-person side-meeting at the TNC25 conference in Brighton, UK. It’s confirmed and in the program for Friday 13 June, 9am-12.30pm.
So, if you’re going to be at TNC, please make sure you stay for Friday!
Our side-meetings at TNC each year have been very well attended and lively. We’re working on developing the agenda – please reach out to the LT with suggested topics you’d like included.
On a related note, we’re also running side-meetings at APAN59 in Yokohama, Japan, and at Internet2 Community Exchange in Anaheim, USA. Please come along, if you’re at either of those conferences
Full details will go up on the GNA-G events page as we finalise them.
And finally, thanks to all who attended the first of our two Community VCs this week – we had some great presentations and discussion. We’re looking forward to seeing more of you on the second call tomorrow! (Kickoff at 9am UTC on Thu 13 Feb.)
(on behalf of the GNA-G LT)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
Hi again,
As mentioned in a previous email, we’re running our pair of Community VCs for Q1 2025 this week.
This is the invitation and zoom details for the second VC: Thu 13 Feb, 9-11am UTC
(Please feel free to decline if that’s not your preferred timezone.)
Details are being added to the GNA-G event page under
Hope to see you on the call!
(on behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde is inviting you to a scheduled AARNet Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting<…>
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814 3254 0975
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814 3254 0975
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Meeting ID:
814 3254 0975
Hi all,
As mentioned in a previous email, we’re running our pair of Community VCs for Q1 2025 this week.
This is the invitation and zoom details for the first VC: Tue 11 Feb, 6-8pm UTC
(Please feel free to decline if that’s not your preferred timezone.)
Details are being added to the GNA-G event page under
Hope to see you on the call!
(on behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde is inviting you to a scheduled AARNet Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting<…>
This meeting may be recorded, transcribed, or digitally summarised in Australia. You will be notified during the meeting if these features are used. Contact the host prior to the meeting with any concerns.
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Meeting URL:…
Meeting ID:
882 8235 9447
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Australia: +61 2 8015 2088
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882 8235 9447
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Meeting ID:
882 8235 9447
Hi all, and best wishes as we kick off an exciting new year!
We’re planning the first Community VCs for 2025.
* 11 Feb – 6-8pm UTC
* 13 Feb – 9-11am UTC
The agenda and zoom details are in the process of being finalised, and will go up onto the GNA-G website shortly. We’ll also send out calendar invitations at that point.
Look forward to seeing you all there!
(On behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
Hi all,
We had pencilled in a pair of VCs for next week to present the successful demonstrations and advances showcased at the recent SC24 conference… however have decided that it’s a bit too ambitious to squeeze them in at this time of the year. We’ll push these calls back to late January, and will send out calendar invitations to block them off in your calendars over the next week or so.
As we enter the holiday season, we’d like to thank all of you for your enthusiastic participation and support over 2024, and we look forward to a fantastic 2025!
on behalf the GNA-G Leadership Team
* Buseung Cho (KISTI)
* Ivana Golub (PSNC)
* Alex Moura (KAUST)
* Harvey Newman (Caltech)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
Hi all,
Following the recent well attended and lively Community VCs, during SC24 we will have in person meeting with presentations from our colleagues that are chairing work groups, telling us about their progress during this year.
For those that will be attending SC24, participation is open is free for everyone that wants to join, the room has capacity for 40-45 people.
For those who won’t be attending SC24, you can join us online, see details below.
GNA-G side-meeting @ SC24
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 – 12pm-2pm (UTC-5)
SC24 - Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA, USA
Room B407 (capacity for 40-45 persons)
Remote participation
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 996 6095 6879
Passcode: 696327
12:00pm-12:15pm – 2024 GNA Update (5’)
12:15pm-12:30pm – New GREN Resilience WG (15’) - Erik-Jan Bos (NORDUnet)
12:30pm-12:45pm – Global LEOSat WG (15’) - Harold Teunissen (SURF)
12:45pm-1:00pm – Data Intensive Science WG (15’) - Harvey Newman (Caltech)
1:00pm-1:15pm – AutoGOLE/SENSE WG (15’) - Tom Lehman (ESnet)
1:15pm-1:30pm – Automation WG (15’) - Migiel de Vos (SURF)
1:30pm-1:45pm – GREN Engineering Advancement WG (15’) - Cris Wilkinson (Internet2)
1:45pm-2:00pm – Q&A, discussion about GNA Roadmap for 2025 & looking ahead (10’)
Looking forward to meeting you there!
(On behalf of the Leadership Team)
Classification: Internal
Hi all –
Just a reminder that we have the second VC of this month’s Community VCs in a little under 24 hours from now.
The first VC was terrific, with insightful presentations from Geant, Internet2, & AARNet about their experiences going to the market for their backbone network refreshes, plus Ana Alves provided a great update from the Security WG.
Full details here:
Look forward to seeing you on the upcoming call!
(on behalf of the GNA-G Leadership Team)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
From: David.Wilde(a)
When: 5:00 AM - 7:00 AM 15 November 2024
Subject: GNA-G Community VC2 2024-Q4
Hi all,
Following on from the recent well attended and lively Community VCs, we have presentations from some more of our colleagues from NRENs who have gone to market to renew their network, and are willing to share their experience.
VC1: 12 Nov 2024, 6-8am
VC2: 14 Nov 2024, 6-8pm <<< this invitation
Look forward to seeing you on one of the calls!
(on behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde is inviting you to a scheduled AARNet Zoom meeting.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: 660760
This meeting may be recorded, transcribed, or digitally summarised in Australia. You will be notified during the meeting if these features are used. Contact the host prior to the meeting with any concerns.
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Meeting ID: 884 8250 8372
Password: 660760
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Dial: 88482508372(a)
or 88482508372(a)
Meeting ID: 88482508372
H323/SIP Password: 660760
Hi all,
Following on from the recent well attended and lively Community VCs, we have presentations from some more of our colleagues from NRENs who have gone to market to renew their network, and are willing to share their experience.
VC1: 12 Nov 2024, 6-8am
VC2: 14 Nov 2024, 6-8pm <<< this invitation
Look forward to seeing you on one of the calls!
(on behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde is inviting you to a scheduled AARNet Zoom meeting.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: 660760
This meeting may be recorded, transcribed, or digitally summarised in Australia. You will be notified during the meeting if these features are used. Contact the host prior to the meeting with any concerns.
Or iPhone one-tap :
Australia: +61280152088,,88482508372#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
Australia: +61 2 8015 2088
Meeting ID: 884 8250 8372
Password: 660760
International numbers available:
Or an H.323/SIP room system:
Dial: 88482508372(a)
or 88482508372(a)
Meeting ID: 88482508372
H323/SIP Password: 660760
Hi all,
Following on from the recent well attended and lively Community VCs, we have presentations from some more of our colleagues from NRENs who have gone to market to renew their network, and are willing to share their experience.
VC1: 12 Nov 2024, 6-8am <<< this invitation
VC2: 14 Nov 2024, 6-8pm
Look forward to seeing you on one of the calls!
(on behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde is inviting you to a scheduled AARNet Zoom meeting.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: 754319
This meeting may be recorded, transcribed, or digitally summarised in Australia. You will be notified during the meeting if these features are used. Contact the host prior to the meeting with any concerns.
Or iPhone one-tap :
Australia: +61280152088,,85626879353#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
Australia: +61 2 8015 2088
Meeting ID: 856 2687 9353
Password: 754319
International numbers available:
Or an H.323/SIP room system:
Dial: 85626879353(a)
or 85626879353(a)
Meeting ID: 85626879353
H323/SIP Password: 754319