Dear All:
The meeting materials from the Q1 2022 GNA-G Community VCs, that took
place end of last month, are all available now. Both the video
registrations and the slides can be found at:
Also, as announced at these VCs, the next GNA-G Community meeting is
planned to be an in-person meeting (finally again!). It will be
co-located with TNC22 in Trieste, Italy, in the morning of Monday, 13
June 2022. Our plan is to enable remote participation. High-level
details at:
We hope you will be able to make it to Trieste in person, and we look
forward to speaking with you face-to-face, in an interactive meeting.
On behalf of the Leadership Team, kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark