*Submission Deadline Extended for SC24 INDIS Workshop - Call for Papers (Due August 15th)*
CALL FOR PAPERS - Due August 15th
The 11th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS 2024) in conjunction with SC24
Atlanta, Georgia, USA | Monday, November 18th, 2024
We invite researchers and engineers to submit high-quality technical academic papers to the 11th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS 2024). The workshop will be held in conjunction with the SC24: IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, November 17-22, 2024. We invite papers that propose new and novel techniques that increase the capacity and functionality of scientific computing and high-performance networks. This workshop encourages submissions that address one or more of the workshop topics addressing networking research challenges; and developments that are essential in information systems infrastructure for the scientific discovery process.
We also welcome participants from SCinet to present high-quality experimental papers on their latest designs and solutions. SCinet, as the high-speed network engine of the SC conference, represents state of the art, connects many demonstrators of big science data processing infrastructures at the highest line speeds, deploys the newest technologies available, and demonstrates network instrumentation techniques and novel functionality. The show floor network connects to many laboratories and universities worldwide using high-bandwidth connections. *
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Network innovations: novel approaches, protocols and algorithms to meet the current and emerging requirements for data intensive applications.
* High-performance network testbeds and simulations for parallel and distributed science experiments and workloads.
* High-performance and large-scale network monitoring, control and management services.
* Software-defined networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in service of data science applications.
* Machine learning algorithms for network telemetry, performance measurements, network and Input/Output (I/O) profile analytics, and high-touch solutions on network packets, flows and hardware stats to identify patterns and troubleshooting issues.
* Compute in-network (aka edge- middleware computing platforms) and offloaded infrastructure services on programmable hardware (e.g. FPGA).
* High-performance data streaming and memory-to-memory transfer applications and techniques
* Wireless and Quantum networking and testbeds.
* End-to-end quality of service (QoS) performance and Traffic Engineering (TE) applications.
* Multi-domain networking, including hybrid clouds and multi-domain authorization.
* Scientific data privacy, security, integrity, provenance and sharing in multi-domain environments.
Important Dates:
*Paper Submission Due: August 15th, 2024*
Notification of acceptance: September 5th, 2024
Camera-ready version: September 27th, 2024
Workshop Date: November 17th, 2024
Submission Guidelines:
Papers will be published in the SC24 conference workshop proceedings through IEEE TCHPC upon approval. Workshop papers are expected to be in IEEE standard conference format (two-column and 10 point font size) with 8-10 pages for full papers and 4 pages for short papers describing novel work in the topics of interest. Experiments from SCinet and show floor are encouraged (e.g. Traveling FABRIC node). Manuscripts should be submitted via the SC Linklings system. Please visit the Workshop website for more information:
Organizing Committee:
Akbar Kara: Ciena Corporation, TX, USA (Co-Chair)
Anees Al-Najjar: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA (Co-Chair)
Nik Sultana: Illinois Institute of Technology, IL, USA
Mariam Kiran: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA
Cees de Laat: Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherland
*CFP: SC24 INDIS Workshop - Call for Papers (Due August 1st)*
The 11th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS 2024) in conjunction with SC24
Atlanta, Georgia, USA | Monday, November 18th, 2024
We invite researchers and engineers to submit high-quality technical academic papers to the 11th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS 2024). The workshop will be held in conjunction with the SC24: IEEE/ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, November 17-22, 2024. We invite papers that propose new and novel techniques that increase the capacity and functionality of scientific computing and high-performance networks. This workshop encourages submissions that address one or more of the workshop topics addressing networking research challenges; and developments that are essential in information systems infrastructure for the scientific discovery process.
We also welcome participants from SCinet to present high-quality experimental papers on their latest designs and solutions. SCinet, as the high-speed network engine of the SC conference, represents state of the art, connects many demonstrators of big science data processing infrastructures at the highest line speeds, deploys the newest technologies available, and demonstrates network instrumentation techniques and novel functionality. The show floor network connects to many laboratories and universities worldwide using high-bandwidth connections. *
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Network innovations: novel approaches, protocols and algorithms to meet the current and emerging requirements for data intensive applications.
* High-performance network testbeds and simulations for parallel and distributed science experiments and workloads.
* High-performance and large-scale network monitoring, control and management services.
* Software-defined networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in service of data science applications.
* Machine learning algorithms for network telemetry, performance measurements, network and Input/Output (I/O) profile analytics, and high-touch solutions on network packets, flows and hardware stats to identify patterns and troubleshooting issues.
* Compute in-network (aka edge- middleware computing platforms) and offloaded infrastructure services on programmable hardware (e.g. FPGA).
* High-performance data streaming and memory-to-memory transfer applications and techniques
* Wireless and Quantum networking and testbeds.
* End-to-end quality of service (QoS) performance and Traffic Engineering (TE) applications.
* Multi-domain networking, including hybrid clouds and multi-domain authorization.
* Scientific data privacy, security, integrity, provenance and sharing in multi-domain environments.
Important Dates:
*Paper Submission Due: August 1st, 2024*
Notification of acceptance: September 5th, 2024
Camera-ready version: September 27th, 2024
Workshop Date: November 17th, 2024
Submission Guidelines:
Papers will be published in the SC24 conference workshop proceedings through IEEE TCHPC upon approval. Workshop papers are expected to be in IEEE standard conference format (two-column and 10 point font size) with 8-10 pages for full papers and 4 pages for short papers describing novel work in the topics of interest. Experiments from SCinet and show floor are encouraged (e.g. Traveling FABRIC node). Manuscripts should be submitted via the SC Linklings system. Please visit the Workshop website for more information:
Organizing Committee:
Akbar Kara: Ciena Corporation, TX, USA (Co-Chair)
Anees Al-Najjar: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA (Co-Chair)
Nik Sultana: Illinois Institute of Technology, IL, USA
Cees de Laat: Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherland
Mariam Kiran: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA
Hi all,
Just a reminder that TNC24 is coming up very soon, and we’re looking forward to seeing many of you in person.
The main GNA-G community side-meeting will take place on Monday 10 June, 2-5.30pm in Salle 14.
We have over 90 people registered already – it’s looking like being our biggest meeting yet!
See the GNA-G website for the agenda – we’ll keep updating this:
We’re also going to be broadcasting it via zoom using a laptop in the room, so if you can’t attend in person, please register. Zoom details on the meeting page above, or else direct link is:
The Network Automation WG is also running a side meeting before this on Monday 10 June, 9am-12.30pm in Salle 2.
Meeting details at:…
A reminder from the TNC24 organisers: participants wishing to attend side meetings on Monday 10 June must purchase a “side meeting pass” via the TNC24 registration page
We’ll follow up with details of further WG catchups between now and the start of the conference…
(On behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
Greetings GNA!
To better understand SC24 Conference network needs, the SCinet team would like to get this invite out as far and wide as possible, please forward this to your colleagues!
Each year at the SC Conference, researchers, experimenters, and exhibitors plan large scale demonstrations that connect the host convention center to remote HPC resources around the world. In order to support these often-groundbreaking demonstrations, the conference builds SCinet: a highly sophisticated, cutting edge, high-capacity network. This year the conference will be held in Atlanta Georgia at the Georgia World Congress Center.
The Network Research Exhibition (NRE) and Experimental Networks (XNet) teams, in conjunction with the
Wide Area Network (WAN) Team and the Routing Team are collaborating with networks providers around the world to plan for the requested WAN and LAN connectivity for SC24 demonstrations and experiments.
We are planning potential bandwidth to regional, national, and international exchange points including:
North Atlantic Research and Education Exchange (NA-REX)
Washington Internet Exchange (WIX)
Pacific Wave
Pacific Northwest Gigapop (PNWG)
Potential 100G or 400G circuits to the following cities:
Seattle (Westin, 2001 6th Ave)
Sunnyvale (1380 Kifer Road)
Los Angeles (818 W. 7th (6th floor))
Miami (Nap of the Americas)
Chicago (Starlight)
Boston (Markley - One Summer St)
Atlanta (56 Marietta or 180 Peachtree)
This is in addition to possible planned connectivity to SOX, Internet2 (including AL2S) ESnet, and FABRIC.
We require exhibitors and network entities to identify their Network bandwidth/resource needs between the SC conference and remote locations. Please fill out the following form if you need remote connectivity to the SC24 exhibit floor:
Please have your requests in by May 17th.
If you have any questions feel free to email nre-leads(a)<>. For more information about SC24 visit<>.
Hans Addleman
SC24 SCinet NRE Co-Chair
Hi all,
Just a quick reminder that Community VC#1 starts in a little under 15 mins, for those who are planning to attend.
We’ve simplified the Zoom process this time: you don’t need to register, just click on the link!
(The second call is Thursday 8-10pm UTC, in case that slot is better for your timezone…)
The topic is network automation, and we’ve got some great presenters – hope to see you on one or both of the calls!
(on behalf of the Leadership Team)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
Apologies the second VC invite did not reach all.
Hi all,
This is an invitation to the upcoming Community VC #2 for Q1 2024. The theme of the VC is Network Automation featuring confirmed speakers on WFO Program by SURF and Service and Resource Inventory in GEANT Project by PSNC.
I will confirm the agenda in the coming days which will be updated here:
Zoom details:
Password: w3b3x
(Feel free to accept/decline depending on your timezone and availability.)
(on behalf of the GNA-G LT)
Hi all,
This is an invitation to the upcoming Community VC #1 for Q1 2024. The theme of the VC is Network Automation featuring confirmed speakers on WFO Program by SURF and Service and Resource Inventory in GEANT Project by PSNC.
I will confirm the agenda in the coming days which will be updated here:
Zoom details:
Password: w3b3x
(Feel free to accept/decline depending on your timezone and availability.)
(on behalf of the GNA-G LT)
Hi all,
This is an invitation to the upcoming Community VC #1 for Q1 2024. The theme of the VC is Network Automation featuring confirmed speakers on WFO Program by SURF and Service and Resource Inventory in GEANT Project by PSNC.
I will confirm the agenda in the coming days which will be updated here:
Zoom details:
Password: w3b3x
(Feel free to accept/decline depending on your timezone and availability.)
(on behalf of the GNA-G LT)