For those of you that joined yesterday’s GNA-G community VC 1a<>, you have seen my presentation for the new GREN Engineering Advancement workgroup (if you want you can download them from… link valid till march 9th, afterwards if they are unavailable on the GNA-G website drop me an e-mail).
The aim of this workgroup pioneer, try, test, experiment with solutions to better/more efficiently/redundantly run services over links part of the GNA-G. We have been doing vlan engineering for ever and know the downsides of it. On the other hand, almost all of us run a MPLS enabled network that provides far more protection/redundancy/fast failover. What can we do to also bring this into the world of GNA-G and the links with which we interconnect NREN’s? This workgroup wants to inventorize what possibilities are out there and test them. This knowledge will be distributes to the relevant engineering groups running systems like ANA-Engineering or AER-Engineering. Who on there turn can provide feedback for additional testing or ideally decide to implement it.
The goal of this workgroup is therefor strictly focussed how can we enhance operation on systems between production networks. So no very experimental stuff like thing that could be considered in the Data Intensive Science workgroup as prototyping and pre-production.
Over the past months I’ve reached out to the ANA partners at Nordunet 2022, SuperComputing 2022 and Internet2 TechEX 2022 and noticed a lot of enthusiasm and interest in this subject. With this I want to call for engineers interested in participating in this workgroup. Folks that have ideas and can contribute in testing them. You can sign up to the mailing list at From there we’ll start planning for an initial call to kick things of.
Attached the draft 0.9 charter of this workgroup
The GNA-G Nominations Committee (NomCom) is accepting nominations for the GNA-G Leadership Team (LT) through 23:00 GMT 31 January 2023. The LT has one vacancy.
The current Leadership Team consists of five co-chairs: Buseung Cho (KISTI), Harvey Newman (Caltech), David Wilde (AARnet), Ivana Golub (PSNC), and Marco Teixeira (RedClara) with one vacancy. As we are filling a vacancy due to an LT member leaving before end of their term, the new LT member will be elected for a 48-month (4-year) term+ the remainder of 2023 in order to maintain the LT election cycle.
Anyone working in the R&E networking community is eligible to serve in the LT. The NomCom will be looking for a candidate with technical competence, organizational skills, or relevant experience. The NomCom will emphasize diversity in the composition of the LT, in particular age, gender, and continent. Experience in the field of R&E networking and/or running Global eXchange Points (GXPs) is welcome.
What does it mean to be an LT member?
The LT looks after the long-term evolution of the networking layer of the Global R&E Network (GREN) and provides oversight to the GNA-G Working Groups. The LT also manages the GNA-G website and consults with the Executive Liaison from time to time. For more information see
On a regular basis, the LT meets by VC, to discuss progress, issues, and community meetings. Due to the global nature of the GREN, the work in GNA-G means a VC out of office hours, due to time zones. Also, the full GNA-G Community meets every now and then to discuss developments and next steps at global events as much as possible. Hence this involves occasional intercontinental travel. There is no reimbursement for serving on the LT, as this is deemed a community service supported by your home organization.
How to get nominated?
Any member of the GNA-G Community may nominate any member of the GNA-G Community for the open position; self-nomination is permitted. A nomination is only complete when supported by at least one other member from the community, from a different organization, participating in the GNA-G, than the nominee. In addition, the nominee must accept the nomination.
A nomination can have two forms:
1. You can nominate someone + get a second from a member of the community + have the nominee accept the nomination; or
Nominate yourself + get a second from a member of the community.
You must indicate why you want to join the GNA-G LT. Nominations should be sent to: nominations(a)<>. Accepted nominations will be made public to the GNA-G community.
Nomination Timeline
16 January 2023 - Call for Nominations opens
31 January 2023 - Nominations close
13 February 2023 - Announcement of candidates by the NomCom, community feedback opens
28 February 2023 - Community Feedback closes
15 March 2023 - NomCom announces new LT members during GNA-G VC.
NomCom members
Celeste Anderson (Pacific Wave) – USA
Lars Fischer (NORDUnet) – European Nordics
Alexander van den Hil (SURF) – The Netherlands
Bruno Hoeft (KIT) – Germany
Michael Stanton (RNP) – Brazil
Should you have any questions or need further information, please feel
free to reach out to (one of) the NomCom members.
Kind regards,
Alexander van den Hil
Hi all,
A belated welcome back to all following the northern summer, on behalf of the GNA-G Leadership Team!
Hold the date
We’re planning the next pair of Community VCs, to take place in the week following SC22.
Meeting #1: Wed 23 Nov 6-8am UTC
(Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Europe.)
Meeting #2: Wed 23 Nov 8-10pm UTC.
(Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America, Africa, and Europe.)
The registration information will go up onto the GNA-G website also.
Call for presentations
I’d like to take the opportunity to invite you all to reach out to the LT if you’d like to present a topic at this call, or if there’s a topic you’d particularly like to hear about.
These could relate to the usual agenda items we’ve been using for the Community VCs:
* Global activities
* GREN news – eg. intercontinental links & GXPs
* Innovation corner
… or simply something else that interests you.
Email us at: leadershipteam(a)<>
I realise also that we haven’t finalised and circulated the summary notes from our great in-person meeting at TNC22. This will follow very soon!
Looking forward to seeing you all soon,
on behalf also of Ivana, Buseung, Harvey, Marco
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
Hi Everyone,
As many of you know the Network Automation WG has been working on creating a survey to ask about your level of network automation and tooling, which we are please announce is ready for you to fill in.
So, we would like to invite everyone to please go and fill the network automation survey
We would appreciate it if people could fill it in before the end of June if possible, so that we can collate and review the results and hopefully present them at the GNA-G meeting after TNC.
If you have any concerns or issues, please let myself of Migiel know.
Kind regards,
Warrick Mitchell & Migiel de Vos
Chairs of the Network Automation WG
Hi all,
For those of you who are going to be at TNC22 in Trieste, on behalf of the Leadership Team I’m looking forward to seeing you at our GNA-G meeting!
This meeting will be different in structure to the Community VCs that we’ve been running over the last few years. It will be more of an open discussion of the strategy and aims of GNA-G, and how best to ensure that we’re succeeding in achieving these.
A quick survey:
So that we get the most value out of our time together, we’d like to hear from the GNA-G community.
Please take ten minutes to fill in this simple survey:
(We’re keen to receive everyone’s input, whether you’re able to attend the meeting or not!)
Reminder of the meeting details
It’s taking place on Monday 13 June, 9am-1pm CEST.
Details are on the TNC website:
And also on the GNA-G events page:
Remember – you’ll need to register for the Monday side-meeting day and pay EUR30 (charged by the organisers to cover catering, venue cost, etc). Please follow the instructions on the TNC22 website.
Zoom details
For those who can’t attend in person, we will have Zoom capabilities in the room to run the meeting as a hybrid.
Here is the link to register for the zoom meeting:
We’re in the process of adding this link to the pages above.
Safe travels, and see you soon!!
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
Hi all,
Just to keep you informed, we’re having some issues with the GNA-G website which might result it in being unreachable for some of you.
Apologies - the team’s working on it, and I’ll provide an update once we have a resolution.
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
Hi all,
Our friend, colleague and collaborator Erik-Jan Bos has recently made the decision to resign from NORDUnet, to seek new adventures. His departure is set for 1 June.
Erik-Jan has been a driving force in the world of R&E networking for over thirty years. He has played a key role in guiding and driving the success of GNA-G and its predecessors, GLIF and GNA. His departure will leave a huge gap in our sector in general, and in GNA-G in particular. It’s also of course an exciting time for Erik-Jan, and we wish him the greatest success in whatever his next adventure brings.
With this, he’ll be stepping down from the GNA-G Leadership Team.
Erik-Jan is also currently the Chair of the LT. My LT colleagues Harvey, Ivana, Buseung and Marco have done me the honour of asking me to take on this role, which I have accepted. Erik-Jan is a hard act to follow however!
(We’re hoping that he’ll return to the sector elsewhere in a new role, which would allow him to rejoin us. On the chance that this happens, we will hold off before mobilising the NomCom to solicit you all for a new member of the LT.)
Please join the LT and I in a heartfelt vote of thanks to Erik-Jan, and wish him all the best in whatever the future brings him.
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)<>
Dear All:
The meeting materials from the Q1 2022 GNA-G Community VCs, that took
place end of last month, are all available now. Both the video
registrations and the slides can be found at:
Also, as announced at these VCs, the next GNA-G Community meeting is
planned to be an in-person meeting (finally again!). It will be
co-located with TNC22 in Trieste, Italy, in the morning of Monday, 13
June 2022. Our plan is to enable remote participation. High-level
details at:
We hope you will be able to make it to Trieste in person, and we look
forward to speaking with you face-to-face, in an interactive meeting.
On behalf of the Leadership Team, kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Dear All:
The detailed agenda for the upcoming GNA-G Community VCs is now online
and can be found here:
This is a friendly reminder to register for the upcoming GNA-G Community
VCs, that are scheduled to take place at the end of this month, as follows:
VC #1: Wednesday, 30 March 2022, 6am – 8am UTC
Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand,
Africa, and Europe.
Registration Link:…
VC #2: Thursday, 31 March 2022, 8pm – 10pm UTC
Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America,
Africa, and Europe.
Registration Link:…
On behalf of the Leadership Team, we are looking forward to your
participation in the upcoming GNA-G VCs! See you there.
Thank you and kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Please find the attached call for participation for Network Research Exhibitions for the SC22 conference in Dallas this November. More information about SC22 can be found here:
Any questions can be directed to nre-leads(a)<>
Scott Kohlert and Kate Robinson
SC22 SCinet NRE Chairs