Hi all,
As Erik-Jan presented at the recent GNA-G Community VCs, we’re calling for volunteers to join the Nomination Committee. The role of the NomCom is to represent the broader GNA-G community in selecting members of the Leadership Team (LT).
If you’d like to volunteer (or just ask questions), please just email the GNA-G Leadership Team: leadershipteam(a)lists.gna-g.net<mailto:leadershipteam@lists.gna-g.net> (Currently consisting of Erik-Jan Bos, Harvey Newman, Buseung Cho and myself.)
We can promise no fame or riches; only recognition by your peers and a warm inner glow from knowing that you’re helping the community :-)
Two fine upstanding members of the community have already put their hands up, but it would be great to have several more. I have attached Erik-Jan’s slide deck which describes the process. We don’t believe that being a member of the NomCom will be a particularly onerous or time-consuming task. Here are some of the key items from the slidepack:
* Volunteers from the Community form Nominating Committee
* No formal maximum, but for practical reasons: Max = 9.
* No more than one person from an organization or its subsidiaries
* Important considerations when nominating:
* Qualifications, e.g.., technical competence, organizational skills, relevant experience
* HOWEVER enthusiasm and willingness to participate are the main criteria – so if you’d like to join, just reach out to us and discuss
* We would particularly encourage diversity in the NomCom – see the GNA-G Diversity Statement
* The NomCom will be active in Q4 of every odd calendar year, so October 2021 for the first time:
* From now until 31 October: Nominations from the Community welcomed
* On 15 November, proposed NomCom members will be announced
* Through to 30 November, solicit comments on proposed NomCom members, then accepted members announced
* In December, NomCom will run the process to select and announce new LT candidates
Looking forward to hearing from you,
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)aarnet.edu.au
Dear All:
This is to inform you that the registration for the Q3 2021 GNA-G
Community VCs, scheduled to take place on 14 & 15 September 2021, has
opened. Please go to the meeting page for the links to the registration
While the Leadership Team is preparing the detailed agenda, we still
have room for more at this stage. Please let us know if you have a
suggestion for an update on a (new or upgraded) GREN intercontinental
link or on a GXP you are involved in. Also, a suggestion for a talk in
the Innovation Corner is welcome at this stage.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Web: https://www.nordu.net/
Dear Members of the GNA-G Community:
The video recordings of the presentations and the slides from the Q2
2021 Community VCs are available from the GNA-G website, at:
Please mark your calendars for the Q3 Community VCs, scheduled to take
place as follows:
VC #1: Tuesday, 14 September 2021, 1pm – 3pm UTC
Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America,
Africa, and Europe.
VC #2: Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 6am – 8am UTC
Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand,
Africa, and Europe.
Registration will open next month.
Kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Web: https://www.nordu.net/
Dear Colleagues,
We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the the GNA-G Q2 2021
Community VCs
which will take place this Monday and Tuesday.
In case you have not already done so, you
are cordially invited to register (if you have not done so yet) and
Please use one or both of the links below, depending on your time zone
and liking:
**VC #1: Monday, 14 June 2021, 2pm – 4pm UTC *
Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America,
Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
**VC #2: Tuesday, 15 June 2021, 7am – 9am UTC *
Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand,
Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
The registration system will confirm your seat, and will supply you with
a personal participation link and a calendar invite.
Looking forward to seeing you all Monday.
We are looking forward to a very interesting meeting.
An updated draft agenda is below.
On behalf of the Leadership Team, best regards,
Harvey Newman
Marvin L. Goldberger Professor of Physics Caltech
> _______________________________________________
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Dear All:
Hope you are well.
The GNA-G Q2 2021 Community VCs are scheduled to take place in roughly
14 days from now, as agreed a long time ago. More information, including
the agenda, can be found here:
You are cordially invited to register (if you have not done so yet) and
participate. Please use one or both of the links below, depending on
your time zone and liking:
* VC #1: Monday, 14 June 2021, 2pm – 4pm UTC
Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America,
Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
* VC #2: Tuesday, 15 June 2021, 7am – 9am UTC
Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand,
Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
The registration system will confirm your seat, and will supply you with
a personal participation link and a calendar invite. A more detailed
agenda will be shared with you not later than early next week.
Looking forward to seeing you all in roughly two weeks from now.
On behalf of the Leadership Team, kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Web: https://www.nordu.net/
Dear Member of the GNA-G Community:
Hope you are well.
Please find attached the draft notes from the most recent GNA-G
Community VCs. Comments are welcome.
As a reminder, the next set of GNA-G Community VCs is scheduled to take
place on 14 & 15 June 2021. Exact times are:
* Monday, 14 June 2021: 2pm – 4pm UTC
* Tuesday, 15 June 2021: 7am – 9am UTC
Registration for these VCs will open soon. Please follow the link below
for the first version of the agenda and more details:
Last but not least, as international travel is not likely to commence in
the second half of 2021, the Leadership Team decided that no face to
face Community VCs are being scheduled, at least until the start of
2022. We have chosen the following dates for the Q3 and Q4 2021
Community VCs:
* Q3 Community VCs: w/c 13 September 2021
* Q4 Community VCs: w/c 13 December 2021
If you see any clashes with other major community events in these week,
please bring this to the attention of the LT, by replying to this
message. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Web: https://www.nordu.net/
After more than 13 years at SURF(net) I have chosen to continue my career at Eurofiber as Program Manager of Mergers & Acquisitions and Post-Merger Integration as of June 1st.
Since 2007 I worked with many of you, within GLIF, GÉANT, AutoGOLE/SENSE, LHC, GNA-G, other research work and commercially, ... . I am very proud of what we as R&E community have achieved together until now and I am convinced that many more achievements will follow.
I will be missing our creative and technical discussions and, above all, personal contact at international meetings.
Thank you for our collaboration – wishing you all the best and maybe see you in the future!
Best regards,
Hi all,
Thanks to all of you who joined our community VCs over the last two days – it was great to see you all.
And thanks especially to all our presenters; all your presentations were great and really interesting.
As I said at the end, please jump in and participate! Reach out to the Working-Group chairs, email this mailing list, or contact the Leadership Team (leadershipteam(a)lists.gna-g.net<mailto:leadershipteam@lists.gna-g.net>), about whatever bright idea or strange question you might have.
See you all soon, and stay safe & healthy wherever you are,
David (and all the GNA-G LT)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)aarnet.edu.au<mailto:david.wilde@aarnet.edu.au>
Dear All:
I do hope this message finds you well.
Next week, the Q1 2021 Community VCs are scheduled to take place, as
agreed a long time ago, and with input from the Community we were able
to create an interesting agenda (see frst attachment). Topics include:
* News from the Workflow Orchestrator,
* Updates from the RARE P4 Testbed,
* A plan for a new working group,
* And much more.
You are cordially invited to register (if you have not done so yet) and
participate. Please use one or both of the links below, depending on
your time zone and likings:
* VC #1: Monday, 15 March 2021, 3pm – 5pm UTC
Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America,
Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
* VC #2: Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 8am – 10am UTC
Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand,
Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
The registration system will confirm your seat, and will supply you with
a personal participation link and a calendar invite.
Next to the agenda, please find attached to this e-mail three draft
documents that we plan to discuss with you, i.e.:
1. Leadership Team Statutes
2. Managing Working Groups
3. GNA-G Code of Conduct
Looking forward to seeing you all early next week!
On behalf of the Leadership Team, kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Web: https://www.nordu.net/
Hi all,
The next pair of GNA-G Community VCs will take place a month from now:
VC #1: Monday, 15 March 2021, 3pm – 5pm UTC
Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America, Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
VC #2: Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 8am – 10am UTC
Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Europe. Registration link:
(See https://www.gna-g.net/attend-a-meeting/gna-g-community-vcs-2021q1/)
The proposed agenda for the calls is:
1. Opening and welcome
2. Updates from the community
3. Innovation corner
4. Working group updates and discussion
5. Announcement of next VCs and close
For these Community VCs, we are delighted to announce an open Call for Proposals.
Updates from the community:
If you have an update which you’d like to present under item 2: “updates from the community”, we’d love to hear from you. Past topics have included progress reports on national and international network projects; a telemetry discussion; proposal for new working groups around automation and security.
We have 3-4 ten minutes slots available.
Innovation corner:
This is a new agenda item we’re trying for the first time at these Community VCs. This is a slot for someone to present a technological development or innovation which you think would be of interest to the community. Some examples:
> the latest developments in DWDM
> an innovative network or systems architecture development
> future internet architecture developments
> a new network application such as frequency and timing or quantum
> a project or product or service which you’ve been working on which you believe others might be interested in hearing about or collaborating on
> we’re also open to vendor presentations – although no marketing!
Depending on submissions, we have 1-2 slots of 15-20 minutes available.
To make a submission, please email your idea to leadershipteam(a)lists.gna-g.net before 12.00pm (midday) UTC on Monday 1 March 2021.
Include the following information:
1. Your name and contact details
2. Your organisation
3. The agenda item your submission is for (community updates or innovation corner)
4. A brief description of your proposed topic (at least 2-3 lines; no more than a page)
No idea is too small or too silly! These VCs are “by the community, for the community” – if you have an idea which you think is interesting, there will certainly be others who’d like to hear about it. We’d love to receive submissions from organisations or regions who we don’t usually hear from, and especially from first-time presenters. The leadership group would be happy to assist you with preparing your presentation, or help you in any way.
David Wilde (on behalf of the GNA-G Leadership Team)
David Wilde -- CTO | AARNet
T. +61 (0)3 9211 8447 | M. +61 (0)410 166 011 | E. david.wilde(a)aarnet.edu.au<mailto:david.wilde@aarnet.edu.au>