Dear GNA-G Community,
We are glad to inform the entire community that our Diversity Statement has been published on the GNA-G homepage [] as a version 1.0*:
“We truly believe in diversity and inclusion, as the first G in GNA-G stands for Global and we are all about collaboration. Not only for participation within Working Groups of the GNA-G, also for the (co-)chairing a Working Group and for being active in the Leadership Team.
The commitment of the GNA-G is to strive for inclusion across race, gender, age, religion, identity, country of birth, country of citizenship, and experience.
Through diversity in the GNA-G participation, we connect Research & Education communities all over the world. Together, we’re further enhancing the Global Research & Education Network.
We encourage equal participation on all levels of the GNA-G.”
Best regards,
Gerben - on behalf of the GNA-G Leadership Team
* Improvements to the text are always welcome and will be taken into consideration.
P.S. Looking forward to virtually meeting you during our upcoming GNA-G Community VCs on March 15 and 16.
Please register:
Dear All:
Please find attached the notes from the Q4 2020 GNA-G Community VCs,
that took place last month. These notes will appear on the website shortly.
The Q1 2021 Community VCs have been scheduled. Registration will open in
a couple of weeks. Please mark your calendar for the upcoming VCs:
Happy New Year!
Kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Dear Members of the GNA-G Community:
Thank you for your participation in the Q4 2020 Community VCs. And a big
Thank You to all speakers and presenters.
In our VC #2, that finished just now, we ran out of time a little, hence
we moved agenda items 5a and 5d online. These two working updates are
available for you to watch at the URLs below:
Agenda item 5a - GREN Mapping WG Update – Ryan Davies (CANARIE):…
Agenda item 5d - Data Intensive Science WG – Harvey Newman (Caltech):…
You are encourage to watch these two short videos with interesting
updates from these WGs. And thanks to Ryan and Harvey for recording them.
All slides and notes of this week's Community VCs will be at the GNA-G
Website soon, at:
Please mark your calendar for the Q1 2021 Community VCs:
VC #1: Monday, 15 March 2021 3pm – 5pm UTC
VC #2: Tuesday, 16 March 2021 8am – 10am UTC
Registration links will be send around closer to these dates.
Please be safe.
On behalf of the Leadership Team, kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Dear All:
Hope you are well.
As announced before, the Q4 2020 GNA-G Community VCs are scheduled for 7
& 8 December 2020.
The high-level agenda for these two VCs, as proposed by the Leadership
Team, looks as follows:
1. Opening & Welcome
2. Updates from the GNA-G Leadership Team
3. Updates from the community
4. Securing the GREN – Steve Kennett and Charles Sterner
5. Working Group updates and discussion
6. Announcement of next VCs and closure
Like the previous Community VCs, we will be using Zoom. Please register
for the VC(s) you plan to participate in, using one or both of the
following links:
VC #1: Monday, 7 December 2020, 3pm - 5pm UTC
Most suitable for participants from North America, Latin America,
Africa, and Europe.
Registration link:…
VC #2: Tuesday, 8 December 2020, 8am - 10am UTC
Most suitable for participants from Asia, Australia, New Zealand,
Africa, and Europe.
Registration link:…
After registering, you will receive a confirmation containing a personal
link for participating in the VC(s) and the ability to add the VC(s) to
your calendar.
Thank you, and we hope to see you in the Q4 2020 Community VCs.
Kind regards, on behalf of the GNA-G Leadership Team,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Dear All:
Please find attached, the draft notes of the GNA-G Q3 2020 Community
VCs. It took a while to get them completed and sent to you; we'll try to
be quicker next time. Comments welcome, please send them to:
GNA-G Leadership Team <leadershipteam(a)>
If you have not, please mark your calendar for the Q4 Community VCs:
• 7 December 2020 from 3pm to 5pm UTC
• 8 December 2020 from 8am – 10am UTC
The registration for these will open soon, and will be announced on this
mailing list.
Kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Hi Leandro:
Yes, absolutely, from both VCs!
Stay tuned.
Kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
On 16/09/2020 13:32, Leandro Neumann Ciuffo wrote:
> Thank you Erik.
> are you planning to include the results of the surveys in the final version?
> regards,
> *Leandro Ciuffo*
> RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
> +55 (21) 98216-9385
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *De:* Erik-Jan Bos <bos(a)>
> *Enviado:* terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2020 02:21
> *Para:* GNA-G Community <all(a)>
> *Assunto:* [GNA-G All] Preliminary notes from VC#1
> Dear All:
> Please find attached the *very* draft, preliminary notes from GNA-G
> Community VC #1 that took place on 14 September from 2pm - 4pm UTC, as
> input to Community VC #2. Goal is to ensure "hand-over" between the two VCs.
> After today's VC, an integrated and more complete set of notes will be
> made available.
> Kind regards,
> __
> Erik-Jan Bos
> Policy & Strategy Officer
> NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
> Web:
Dear All:
Please find attached the *very* draft, preliminary notes from GNA-G
Community VC #1 that took place on 14 September from 2pm - 4pm UTC, as
input to Community VC #2. Goal is to ensure "hand-over" between the two VCs.
After today's VC, an integrated and more complete set of notes will be
made available.
Kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Dear All:
(pardon the X-posting).
As announced earlier, in just three weeks time, the Community VCs of the
Global (R&E) Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) are scheduled to take
place. The aim of the Community VCs is to:
* Bring ongoing progress and advancements to the attention of the
worldwide R&E Network, Science, and Computer Science communities;
* Foster deeper engagement within and among the communities, bringing
mutual benefit for more effective operations now, and for the future
vision of next generation networks and workflows;
* Synergize the efforts and leverage the progress of the GNA-G Working
Groups and discover new opportunities for advancement while avoiding
unnecessary overlaps;
* Provide a wide-ranging focus and synergy, tools and services for the
global ensembles of research and education networks, present and future;
* Sustain the conversation and maintain forward progress in the time of
the pandemic, and deal with the ongoing transformations it will leave in
its wake;
* Providing opportunities to join one or more efforts through our
working groups and sustain and strengthen our global mission.
Registration for the Q3 2020 VCs is open. You can register for one or,
if you want, both VCs, using the links below. Please note that
registration is required in order to be able to participate.
VC #1: Monday, 14 September 2020 2pm – 4pm UTC (most suitable for
participants from North America, Latin America, Africa, and Europe; this
is the former date of the GNA-G face to face meeting in Reykjavík, Iceland).
Registration link:…
VC #2: 15 September 2020 7am – 9am UTC (most suitable for participants
from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Europe).
Registration link:…
After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing
information about joining the meeting that also enables you to add the
Zoom VC(s) to your calendar.
The GNA-G Q3 2020 Community VCs are planned to have a lot of
interactivity, as a couple of presentation will be prerecorded and made
available in advance of the Community VCs, for watching at a time
convenient for you. More information on this and a detailed agenda will
be sent closer to the meeting.
In case of any questions, please send e-mail to:
On behalf of the GNA-G Leadership Team, kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark
Dear GNA-G Community members,
It was great meeting up virtually in May, thanks to all of you who attended one or both VCs!
*New website and slides available*
The slides are available on the brand new GNA-G website, please visit:
And please also take some time to discover the new website. Your feedback will help us further improve the site, and increase its usefulness.
*Last planned F2F meeting of 2020 canceled*
Recently, NORDUnet decided to postpone their NORDUnet Conference 2020 (originally scheduled for 15-17 September 2020), to September 2021. This implies that the last planned GNA-G F2F meeting of 2020 will also not take place, after APAN and the Internet2 Global Summit meetings were canceled. More information at:
*Save the Dates*
At the end of the May Community VCs, we asked your opinion on the frequency of upcoming meetings given that the ongoing pandemic would prevent any and all community events to be either canceled or postponed. The most popular outcome was to organize one set of virtual community meetings on a quarterly basis.
We have now scheduled the next two sets of GNA-G Community VCs as follows:
Q3 2020:
VC #1: 14 September 2020 2pm – 4pm UTC: North America, Latin America, Africa, EU (the old date of the GNA-G F2F in Reykjavík)
VC #2: 15 September 2020 7am – 9am UTC: Asia, Australia, NZ, Africa, EU
Q4 2020:
VC #1: 7 December 2020 3pm – 5pm UTC: North America, Latin America, Africa, EU
VC #2: 8 December 2020 8am – 10am UTC: Asia, Australia, NZ, Africa, EU
Please note that the agenda for slot #1 and #2 for each quarterly meeting will be exactly the same. We are planning two meeting slots close to each other in time to accommodate for global attendance.
On behalf of the GNA-G leadership team,
Dear All:
Today, the GNA-G Community VCs are taking place. Please note, that you
are required to *register* for these, in case you want to participate.
The Zoom room ID that was sent in the very first announcement for
today's VCs (6531318790) is *not* the one we are using today.
After registration, you will receive a personal link for joining the VCs.
The registration information, sent on the GNA-G mailing list, is below:
<-- start of registration information --->
In case you want to participate in meeting slot #1, on 26 May 2020 from
7am to 9am UTC, please register in advance for this meeting through this
In case you want to participate in meeting slot #2, on 26 May 2020 from
2pm to 4pm UTC, please register in advance for this meeting through this
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.
Thank you and, on behalf of the Leadership Team, we hope to see you in
one or both of the GNA-G Community VCs on the 26th.
<-- end of registration information --->
Kind regards,
Erik-Jan Bos
Policy & Strategy Officer
NORDUnet A/S - Kastrup, Denmark